Sunday, April 22, 2012

Poetry Picnic Week 32: Topics on

Well, Hello, Gorgeous by Very Most Good

In West Texas, you think of a song and you buy it

No not because there might be some rattler at your boot a moment later

There isn't some fear you're gonna die in the desert

I could put it down that way

Make a good read

West Texas desert voice

All boots and belts and hand-worked wooden handiwork

They made a shed that's shaped like a star ship because they could

This town is full of because they could -- that's why you should visit

I could say something about never going home, but I got this girl back east, you see

All kinds of reasons

But heads up, maybe a month?

There'd be a lot of sitting

Mixed in with some walking


Except for this right here, I'm making it all mine

Yeah, Trees by Ada Limon’s

All the stars. All the ugh
of looking up, can't we just
say, "Wow!" with our mouth,
say, "Awe!" and point
to something moving
in the sky like trash
along the mile-markers.
I want to kiss everything.
Apparently that's uncouth.
I'm the after of aftermath
and the match going out.
Oh how all you people
want me to believe in
trees, but all I have ever
believed in was trees. 

I say, "Trees!" and, 
"Green sweet thing,"
I swear I will focus,
I swear I will try to understand,
about trees and the things
you say about them.
But what I want more,
is only to bow down, 

(knees under trees)
and not think of nothing.

Remarkable Thoughts by Bloof Books

You woke with a line in your head.
You tripped on a root. You lost the path
then found it again. Stories tend to go
like this, from simple fact to hairy conflict
and back, through thickets of evergreen description. 
You wore a cape, inexplicably in the warm evening.
The woods were scented of cinnamon, pine,
and something starchy-sweet like pumpkin. 
You didn’t know where the trail led.
You didn’t really want to follow it.
You found a book on a rock and sat to enjoy it. 
You forgot about everything else but the story--
thorny, as dark as pitch, pulsed with the shrill mewling
of the mammal snared in the loops of your chest.

oh yes you do

for Minnie & Seymour by Comment as Constant

if I can't speak of human love
without wincing
how will I begin to say about
my inhuman loves
what they do
how they love a human
without wince
surely their reason is above
my reason their love
conquers, enfeebling my love
their tempers for change
& unconcern humiliate
my grounding need
of affirming words, looks
I think fond words while mimicking
their little voices as if to say
you can hear my desperate
thoughts please say
that you can
my hole my kept
self mimics their self-kept
whole if I can't speak it
& they go on speaking it

Image Credit:, NAPOWRIMO 2012...
Methods of Submissions:

Share your work using InLinkz below, and leave a comment in case it is your first time!  It would be super great if you could link back to us on your blog.

Weekly poetry collection starts on Sunday, at 8pm, and will stay open until Sunday, 8pm, 7 days for you to share your talent with us!

 Please Follow Us on Twitter via Link Below  (700 or more Followers So Far)

Theme for This Week 32:

Week 32 theme is:  Visit online, open an account for your blog if you don’t have one yet, find any headline or twitter contents that interest you and write a poem or prose starting with the twit or with first sentence, have fun!

Theme for Next Week?

Week 33 Theme: "Fortresses, Castles, Palaces and Royal houses"!!

Make Sure to Check Out April Poetry Challenge Site and Invite Poets To Our community:


Jingle Poetry At Olive Garden said...

welcome to JP at Olive Garden,

best Wishes on your writing.

Anonymous said...

good evening,

hope all is well.

Happy Poetry Picnic!

Anonymous said...

wow, amazing one.

Madeleine Begun Kane said...

Thanks as always for hosting this and for a lovely prompt! Here's my Limerick Quest. And here's an old twitter-related limerick:

Twitter Jitters
By Madeleine Begun Kane

I really don’t mean to sound bitter,
But it’s hard to fit humor on Twitter.
Posting tweets so damn short
Is a challenging sport,
Cuz there’s no time for laughs — just a titter.

Twitter Jitters

Lord Emmanuel said...

Can't find the inline to add my piece. I'm delighted to be back here after a long absence. Here's mine:

Anonymous said...

Keeping waaaaaaaay off topic here, but this is what my mind's been doing lately! Thank you, as always, for the opportunity you provide and have a lovely picnic everyone!

Someone said...

thanks for allowing me to submit!! i sub'd the jediSwift link because i dont have a twitter account (im a google+ man)

Paulog30 said...

Gonna submit something else besides the theme, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Happy Poetry Picnic.

Jingle Poetry At Olive Garden said...

awesome entries so far.

way to go.

Anonymous said...

have fun.

Jingle Poetry At Olive Garden said...

new here,

Happy Saturday.

Jenkins Rowling Hudson said...

a cool prompt.

keep it up.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

Thanks for submitting, folks.