Sunday, April 8, 2012

Poetry Picnic Week 30: Doubts, Fears, Inhibitions and Hesitations

Happy (Belated) Birthday To Poets In Our community! 

April 2, Jaymie at Jaymie
April 7, Jackie Chan
April 10th. Shail, Muse, Verse n' You
April 16:Gracefulglider:  gracefulglider
April 28, Shakira at Shakira

We (Olivia and Kavita) delightedly welcome you again to Poetry Potluck or April Picnic Week 30, 
This week we are up with "Doubts, Fears, Inhibitions and Hesitations"... brrrr.... Come on, will ya? Join us..and fight this fear together!!

Register yourself (with your name and the link to your potluck entry) using InLinkz below, and leave a comment with a pointer to your post! It would be great if you could link back to us on your blog!!! Once you are done with this, visit as many your peers as possible, read their entries, comment, AND ENJOY!!! Of course, you can always submit any poem of your choice as well...

Remember: Every week, InLinkz will be up on Sunday, at 2pm (CDT), and will stay open till next Sunday, 2pm (CDT). So you will have an entire week to share your poem with us...COOL huh?!! Also, if you aren't new to Poetry Picnic or Potluck, please note that we may not send you weekly reminders. So, it would be awesome if you could add us to your Blogroll or Favorites, so that you can stay updated with the happenings on our site!!

Flash Forward!! Whheewww...having fought our inhibitions, let's go out and enjoy some "Color, Spring and Rainbow"!! Let's celebrate Spring..!! That's next week ofcourse! So you have one entire week to prepare your poem for this theme.. :) And if you are unable to submit a poem ON the theme, relax... Send in an older poem you would love to share with us...

And now, LET'S GET STARTED with this week's potluck!!!! Enjoy the VIDEO here and write on... Thanks for joining in and supporting your fellow poets here at OUR favorite Poetry Potluck!!!

(by Sam/Cerca Trova)
I may
Yet I don't
I can
Yet I won't
Is it
Fear of change
That holds me back
Or faith in the future
That I lack
Is it
My haunting Doubts
Shadows of failures
I drag along
From the past
Is it
My own Inhibitions
The inner "No"
That halts me
From taking Decisions
Is it
The darkened road ahead
An unknown destination
A journey
Without an end
If only
I could know
I Want
To let go
I long to break free
Be able to flee
These towering walls
Of my imprisoning
Thank you, Sam, for your contribution poem... we are so honored!!

Please click on the blue "Add Your link" button below to add your post. Have fun and enjoy, don't forget to check out other's writings as well, thank you very much!

Image Credit:


Jingle Poetry At Olive Garden said...

welcome to poetry picnic week 30...

Happy Belated Birthdays to poets in the community...

Happy Easter Sunday.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Happy Easter to All

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

My Contribution~

Madeleine Begun Kane said...

Happy Easter and Passover to everyone! And thanks for another fine prompt. Here's my Snappish Limerick.

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter toa you all & a special thanks to Sam for the poem quoted in this week's prompt.

These words speak loud & clearly to me:
"If only
I could know
I Want
To let go
I long to break free
Be able to flee
These towering walls
Of my imprisoning

Thank you <3

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter.

Living with Poetry, poems by Asim Kumar Paul said...

I like this Poetry Picnic Week series, I want to see more participants.

Raivenne said...

Happy Birthday to all the April born!

Dawn said...

Happy Birthday To April Born! ...Happy Easter as well to All....

will be shortly adding my contribution soon...


Kay said...

Happy Easter and happy birthday to everyone!

Warmest greetings to all,

Kay ♥

Belva Rae Staples said...

Happy birthday to everyone born in April and to everyone else: you're special, too!

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

Happy (Belated) Birthday to you all...

Thanks for coming.

helena said...

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rch said...

Another April 10th bday here, happy wishes to my fellow writers that share the same day.