Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday Poetry Form Week 34: Homonyms

Homonyms is one of the poetry forms not many do, but could be fun to try it, here is a sample from Firefox Poetry at Promising Poets Parking Lot, enjoy!

Can you pass the can?
May I see you in May?
Why don’t we toast with some toast
and coast along the coast?
A light is light
like a paper kite,
if it shines too bright,
it might bite;
A lean cat could lean on a skunk
and get smelly like one who’s drunk.
A bowl cannot bowl
but a roll might just roll
without wisdom of an owl
or charm of a doll.

Homonyms are words that sound
and look alike yet profound!
If you say them real fast,
They are a true blast!
let words fall like rain,
let wisdom shine on your pain….


Jingle Poetry At Olive Garden said...

if you have a moment, try it.

Tarang Sinha said...

It's really interesting! Maybe I can try it...someday:)

Anonymous said...

a fun one indeed.