Thursday, May 31, 2012

Poetry form Week 37 on BalladE

Reference:  (16 years of excellence, Happy Birthday! ;))

Poetic Form: Ballade   
The ballade (NOT ballad) was one of the principal forms of rhythmic and poetry in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century France.  It contains three main stanzas, each with the same rhyme scheme, plus a shorter concluding stanza, or envoi. All four stanzas have identical final refrain lines. The tone of the ballade was often solemn and formal, with elaborate symbolism and classical references.
One of the most influential writers of early ballades was François Villon. He used the exacting form and limited rhyme scheme to create intense compositions about poverty and the frailty of life. In English, ballades were written by Geoffrey Chaucer in the fourteenth-century, and revived by Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Algernon Charles Swinburne in the nineteenth-century. Aside from adaptations of Villon composed by Ezra Pound, there are few modern examples of the ballade and it is  often reserved for light verse.

Example of The Poetry Form BalladE

The goat scratches so much it can't sleep 
Written by François Villon
translated by Galway Kinnell

The goat scratches so much it can't sleep
The pot fetches water so much it breaks
You heat iron so much it reddens
You hammer it so much it cracks
A man's worth so much as he's esteemed
He's away so much he's forgotten
He's bad so much he's hated
We cry good news so much it comes.

You talk so much you refute yourself
Fame's worth so much as its perquisites
You promise so much you renege
You beg so much you get your wish
A thing costs so much you want it
You want it so much you get it
It's around so much you want it no more
We cry good news so much it comes.

You love a dog so much you feed it
A song's loved so much as people hum it
A fruit is kept so much it rots
You strive for a place so much it's taken
You dawdle so much you miss your chance
You hurry so much you run into bad luck
You grasp so hard you lose your grip
We cry good news so much it comes.

You jeer so much nobody laughs
You spend so much you've lost your shirt
You're honest so much you're broken
"Take it" is worth so much as a promise
You love God so much you go to church
You give so much you have to borrow
The wind shifts so much it blows cold
We cry good news so much it comes.

Prince a fool lives so much he grows wise
He travels so much he returns home
He's beaten so much he reverts to form
We cry good news so much it comes.

Image Credit:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

New Schedule For Jingle Poetry International Platform & Group Via Blogger and Wordpress

Good Morning:

This is Taylor Kong Boomer, Stillwater Public School is out today, (ended on May 23),
Time for a break…I decide to have JP @ Olive Garden’s posting or running schedule
Published so that you know what to expect…Happy Summer! Enjoy A Fun Break!

May 24 --- May 30, Summer short break for officials…. No Posts

Poetry Picnic Week  37, May 31- , Picnic post is to be up on Sunday, June 3rd,

Poetry Picnic week 38, June 7-,  Picnic post is to be up on June 10th,

June 14 --- July 4,   Summer Vacation Time (3 weeks long) , No Posts at JP of Olive Garden, No Posts At Hyde Park Poetry of Thursday Poets Rally, etc….

Poetry Picnic Week 39, July 5- , Picnic post is to be up on Sunday, July 8, 2012…

Happy Rest of May,
Happy June ahead!

To Submit to Week 36 Poetry Picnic, click on link below (Extending deadline to June 2):

To Submit to Thursday Poets Rally Week 68, please share a free verse via link below:

Jingle Poetry International Platform & Group Via Blogger and Wordpress

Jingle Via Aya Wilson
Hyde Park Poetry @ The Poetry Palace
Jingle Poetry Community, 
Promising Poets Poetry Cafe At West Virginia
JP @ Olive Garden,
Mozilla Firefox Poetry at Promising Poets Parking Lot
Bluebell Books Twitter Club
The Purple Tree house @ The New York Time(S)quare 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Poetry Picnic Week 36 : Online Media Sources Poetry In Any Forms

Have a great time writing whatever you chose to do with the theme....signing off Uma Anandane from Inside My Poem Book and Perpetual Mind .

Happy 19th Birthday from Home, Dear Shengish Woo! by Aya Wilson
When it comes to one’s birthday or anniversary,
It’s simply natural to think of home
where one shares quality time with friends,
Sheng has made numerous NEW friends
at Northwestern University, Joe, Terence Tao,
Gordon Ramsay, and Lawrence Lessig are some of
those, JD Henneberry and Staffordray stayed in touch.
Happy Birthday from Home, Sheng!

A Curse Against Elegies by Anne Sexton

Oh, love, why do we argue like this?
I am tired of all your pious talk.
Also, I am tired of all the dead.
They refuse to listen,
so leave them alone.
Take your foot out of the graveyard,
they are busy being dead.

Everyone was always to blame:
the last empty fifth of booze,
the rusty nails and chicken feathers
that stuck in the mud on the back doorstep,
the worms that lived under the cat's ear
and the thin-lipped preacher
who refused to call
except once on a flea-ridden day
when he came scuffing in through the yard
looking for a scapegoat.
I hid in the kitchen under the ragbag.

I refuse to remember the dead.
And the dead are bored with the whole thing.
But you - you go ahead,
go on, go on back down
into the graveyard,
lie down where you think their faces are;
talk back to your old bad dreams.

Botanic Garden by Dr. Erasmus Darwin
(Poetry form on Vegetable Lamb of Tartary )

E'en round the Pole the flames of love aspire,
And icy bosoms feel the secret fire,
Cradled in snow, and fanned by Arctic air,
Shines, gentle borametz, thy golden hair
Rooted in earth, each cloven foot descends,
And round and round her flexile neck she bends,
Crops the grey coral moss, and hoary thyme,
Or laps with rosy tongue the melting rime;
Eyes with mute tenderness her distant dam,
And seems to bleat - a vegetable lamb

A Drinking Song   by W. B. Yeats

Wine comes in at the mouth  
And love comes in at the eye;  
That’s all we shall know for truth  
Before we grow old and die.  
I lift the glass to my mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.

 Theme for May: Jingle Poetry Rally for Worldwide Piece Month

JiPoRa4WoPeMo Rocks  ;)

Theme for This Week 36?

Week 36 Theme: Let's read the following online media sources, and write a poem or a prose on topic they are talking about and appear interesting to you...have fun!

The New York Times:

NBC Dallas Fort Worth News:

The Washington Post:

Bangor Daily News:

Los Angles Times:

Maryland News: The Baltimore Sun:

The Wall Street Journal:

Good Morning, America Yahoo News:

Stillwater News Press:

The Daily O’Collegian:

We would like to read your poems based on what you read from online media sources,  not restricted to what we provide, but from any media of anywhere of the world, have fun....

Theme for Next Week?

 Peace in Love, Peace in Families, Peace among Friends, and Peace around the world...

Image Credit:

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Poetic Reflection Week 36 on Christopher Jones


Will you tell us a little about yourself?

I am an author, poet and artist living in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. I was originally born in Tucson, Arizona, and have been a survivor of mental illness, specifically bi-polar disorder, for most of my life. A graduate of New Mexico State University with a degree in Philosophy and Theater Arts, I have spent over twenty five years contributing to the various performing arts groups in my community. My work has been described as "masturbating on the world's stage in verse" and "...exactly what is wrong with the average white American male..." I started writing after being introduced to poetry as a form of art therapy as a teenager and have not stopped since. Aside from working with words, I am a single father of one.

Having majored in technical theater and arts management, I have been active back stage since my childhood, mostly working in the areas of lighting and scenic design, sound design, properties design, stage management and producer. After college I went to Manhattan to work in the theater community there for a number of years but after getting tired of living poor returned to Arizona and worked for the LORT theater in the state for almost a decade. After my last divorce I moved to Salt Lake City, Utah for a change of pace.

Growing up I spent a lot of time in Mexico as my dad maintained a sail boat that he kept in San Carlos, Mexico and spent many of my early formative years cruising the coast line of Mexico and Baja.

Please tell us about your blog, and what it means to you.

I started my blog, industrialarts as a means to reach new readers and other authors and poets. I have maintained a website ( and profiles on many of the social networking sights for a long time, but realized there is a large percentage of readers who cruise the blogs. For me, my blog serves as a diary more than anything else. Sometimes I can be very specific in my entries and other times very obtuse. It all depends on my mood and sobriety.

Can you remember writing your first poem? Can you tell us a little about it?

Honestly, I can not remember my very first poem. But I do have a collection of some of my earliest. They tend to be rather emotional teenage angst type pieces. Here is one of them:

Waiting My Turn

Lost moments to myself
I sit here dejectedly
without pause or care
Drifting with my thoughts
to a place unaware
of me
and my loathsome state
So contrived
as to rule my mind
Torment me!
Stopping me cold!
The worse yet to come
and then all will fall
inward on itself
A little smidgeon
of god awful hate
A shame
A blame
A curious backward grin
No point in breaking out
of my worthless while

Will you give us some insight into your style of writing, or the style/form you prefer.

Writing style to me is just a matter of the author's voice. I don't really try to emulate a specific style. I just write what needs to be written to best get my intentions across to the reader. Some have called my style 'stream of consciousness' but I actually but some labor and effort in to my work so I don't feel it is an apt description.

Are there any styles of poetry you find difficult or annoying, and why?

Not really, though a while ago at a poetry center they had a reading by some 'Eco-Poets'. This kind of threw me as all I could think of was Henry David Thoreau and these guys and gals were nothing close. Just environmental activists who transformed their message into poetry and badly at that.

Do you write more than just poetry?

Yes. Someone once said that poetry just earns you laurels, writing novels makes you money... I have just had my first novel published by Chipmunka Publishing and the London National Arts Council. It is due out in paperback this up coming spring. I am about half way through my second manuscript. You can find the pre-release ebook here:


What poem, written by you, do you like the most, and why?

That is a tough one as once I am done with a piece I never go back and read them. But if I had to pick one it would be Revolving Doors as it seemed to resonate with a lot of readers. Here it is:

Revolving Doors

I am stuck in the revolving door again!
The one on the ground floor
that just won’t let me out or in…
I am stuck there spinning,
going round and round.
I can’t make it stop
and it won’t slow down.
I reach for the outside and it clips my fingers!
I step to the inside and it nicks my toes!
I hold with both hands
and I thank my luck for the rails.
Spinning and grinning
at my own situation.

Do you have a favorite poet?

I was raised on Plath. I still have a teenage fan boy crush on her... But my favorite poet is Anne Sexton. Her writing is so totally cerebral I love it.

Do you have any mentors?

I wish I had. If anyone I would say my father. I had a very estranged relationship with my family and have only in my later years and with my father's death did I reconcile with them. I would never had thought it when I was younger, but his words, sayings and advice creep into my consciousness at the weirdest times. I miss him. It is part of the reason I enjoy helping mother's with their writing.

Do you have a favorite place to write? Are there certain emotions that inspire or trigger writing?

I don't have a favorite place to write. I can zone out and write almost anywhere. Emotions are tricky for me. Being bi-polar I have a heightened awareness of my emotional state, its causes and the ramifications it can bring about to my life. Basically though, when I feel out of control, I stop what I am doing and write. It is my safety valve.

What is your favorite type of music?

I was raised on punk rock. I am still at heart, a tattooed, leather clad greaser. I also fell in love with industrial music at an early age, thus the name of my blog - industrialarts. But, I took piano lessons from the age of six to sixteen and as a result have a very intimate relationship with classical music. I have currently been listening to Debussy a lot.

Your favorite book?

I have many. But the book that has influenced me the most, hands down, is The Bell Jar, by Sylvia Plath. I re-read that book at least once a year and can often be found thumbing through its pages for self assurance. The book I enjoyed the most though is The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac. That one book as a young teenager revealed to me that not everyone has to live the life of a suit. I find it still a fun read to this day.

Do you have a favorite quote that inspires you or your writing?

“Saints have no moderation, nor do poets, just exuberance.” - Anne Sexton. I have used this quote as an excuse for all of my excessive behaviors...

Any other creative passions?

I can play piano. I have been studying guitar for a couple of years now. I like to paint. But all of it is secondary to writing. I only do the rest because my fingers get cramped from tapping away at my keyboard all day. I should say theater, but theater has always been a profession to me so at times it can feel more like work than 'a love of the art' but I would be lost without some form of theater in my life...

If you could have dinner with any famous deceased person, who would it be, and where would you dine?

Easy, Slyvia Plath. She was a gorgeous woman and a great writer. I would ask her to a picnic in Central Park, NYC, near this one bridge I used to visit when I lived there. It was such a beautiful spot.

Now, the final three "trademark" questions...If you had your own band:

What would it be called? The Inklings (nod to Tolkein and Lewis there)

What would be the title of the first album? jonesing

What would the title of the first single be? a cover of Heroin by The Velvet Underground.

Thank for taking your time for this wonderful and amazing interview

Friday, May 18, 2012

Poem of the Week 36: on Amit Khanna

Hello, welcome to Jingle Poetry Community @ Olive Garden,  where poetry is our center theme, and
creative writing dominates our mindset...before presenting you our week 36 poem of the week today, I
wish to remind you our MAY initiative: Jingle Poetry Rally 4 Worldwide Peace Month, i. e.,  we want 
you to grow a mindset and think about how we cherish peace instead of can write about your
desire or feelings related to wars or violence and post to share with us any is simply a time to pause,
reconsider how our actions or decisions impact lives, and how we might improve human grace in more peaceful manners...

 stand Behind Us, promote world peace today,

JiPoRa4WoPeMo rocks!

now, as for our poem of the week,. we have Amit's talent represented here, enjoy!

And I live... by Amit Khanna  

It rained, it was sane and I sang my songs...
It occurred, wasn't obscured, still to me it belongs,
It was fun, wasn't funny, instilled some laughs,
I revere the love, the muse, the frolic it flaunts,
Back in days, nostalgic, I stress...
Fingers through my hairs and the careens,   
I have been blessed and still blissful and it counts,
The ravines of Love longing and distance taunts,
Steps far destined never promised same firs,
and now the downs rake up more than stirs,
Those dawn strolls on the dew laden grass,
Hand in hand clubbed, blinded worldly farce,
And the destiny amused and ironic it reads,
The land I belong is mixed, it's for me to pick the joyous leads....

 To visit his blog “Exceptions”, please read the link below:

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Friday Poetry Blog Review Week 36 on Buttercup600 Amanda

There aren’t many blogs perhaps that just state the pen name/name of the blogger directly. Usually we tend to emphasize our idea, or thought or sometimes even randomness. Today’s Tuesday Review/Blog of the Week shows that simplicity is indeed beautiful, as we look at the second host of Monday Poetry Potluck here at Jingle Poetry, Amanda. Or Buttercup600, as her pen name says. The tagline of her blog itself says “Seat of my Soul” and we’ll begin with that!

Let’s Know More About Amanda!

“I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it — I own everything about me: my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions, whether they be to others or myself.” This is from her “About Me” page at her blog. The words show she has a fierce belief in herself, and her words reflect that belief. Through her blog, she challenges herself to find her hidden talents and poetry comes out to the fore as one of them, which is for certain. Going by her archive, she’s been in the space for 7 months now, starting in March 2010.

Does The Design Attract The Eye?

Yes, indeed it does attract the eye. “Eyes are the windows to the soul”, so I’ve heard. The header of the blog itself gives an inviting look as she emphasizes that her blog and the words there is from her heart and soul, as she puts her eyes there. Black to me is always attractive, and the design she has chosen retains that simplicity in attraction. Single sidebar with limited widgets gives more space for her words, keeping the reader’s attention solely on the poetry.

The Writer Who Is, Amanda!

Amanda’s work, like I’ve previously mentioned, reflects that uniqueness that she has. It also reflects her blog design in the fact that she pens it simple, yet there is depth too, as there is meaning beyond the obvious. I feel that she has a strong attraction toward free style, and not much of poetic forms. The lines of her poetry aren’t long and in this aspect, the flow and/or rhyme are smooth.

Each of her posts has an image that suits the words well, and she takes care to reply to her readers when they give a comment. The “Have A Great Day” image that she signs off each of her posts with is very nice to see, and the hunger for writing a lot, delivering in quantity & quality, is evident from the archive which shows 40 to 50 posts each month. Other than poetry, the blog also has a vivid hue of tasty dishes and recipes as well.

I think continuing writing the way she is will be good to take her a lot further, and that she is improving with each post is good to see.

Cheers to a talented poet!

You can click on the image to take you to Amanda's blog! Have a lot of fun reading there!


I'm Leo or Leonnyes here! Hope a lot of you read this review and also visit Amanda's space & read her lovely poetry!