A Photo Taken By The New York Times on Fashion and Style
Please enjoy some poetry and have fun in our party:
Your Art Matters By Chimnese
This morning I picked up the paper,
Usually I read the financial section,
But instead I took a brief moment
To see the who’s who in the cosmopolitan
Of the New York Times,
I must say I have found a lot of things,
Especially on what’s happening
In the world of literature and modern art,
Sculptures and new books being released,
I have spotted that the Jewish Art centre
Is shifting identity,
The Judah L Magnes Museum has
Reopened as the Magnes Collection
Of Jewish Art and life,
And is also now part of the library
At the University of California , Berkeley ,
I am so delighted that art hasn’t died yet,
Those historic monuments can be carried
Through generation after generation,
We stand to know that Art does matter,
That whatever we do in this life,
That our creativity will never
Be outnumbered that Art is timeless.
Smiles by Shail
Gathered from all over
In a glass jar
Happy, nervous, tearful, lopsided
Open, beguiling, sinister, guarded
Icy smiles that never reached the eyes
And warm ones that lit them up always
Smiles that opened doors
Those that shut them close
Smiles like sunshine on a rainy day
Like cool breeze on a hot summer day
Smiles protective like parasols
Others the impetus to face storms
Smiles that brought you to your knees
And those that made you swell with pride
Toothless and naughty
Seductive and haughty
Shy, reaching out
Bold, drawing in
Smiles shine like multi-colored pebbles
In my glass jar
Reminders of milestones
Of life’s journeys.
Love By WyomingDiva
Do you remember
special rose-scented
I do...
mostly my own
Magical first dates
Hoped for engagement
Fairly tale marriage
Surprising birth of daughter
and adoption by her
true father, my husband.
All of our birthdays.
Even the dogs get
remembered in
our home.
The passing of those
dearly missed and
some not so much.
Cinnamon and brown
sugar contentment
permeates our lives.
Relied Upon by Robin
accept it.
it moves through…
you don’t know what
will be
if you give up
on that fire that relies upon
nothing beyond itself for
To Submit Your Poetry Entry,
Please use InLinkz below, and leave a comment in case it is your first time! It would be awesome if you could link back to this post on your blog.
Weekly poetry picnic starts 2pm, Sunday, and ends Thursday, 10pm…Enough time for you to take the challenge, write about it, and share with us…
Flash Forward: Theme for Next Week-
Next Week we will have Free Linking, NO Theme, Heaven, Oh?
That’s next week,
Keep up the excellence.
Hope to see you share then!
Food and Style By The New York Times
Home and Garden
Foreign Relations
The Academy Awards Best Actor Brad Pitt
Happy Chinese New Year
Best Wishes for the Year of Dragon!
Much Love!
Image Credit: Google.com
Happy Lunar new Year,
Welcome to our week 23 poetry picnic....
have fun!
Sorry! My entry has nothing to do with the prompt this week. I don't read the NYT.
Nice prompt! My entire Political Madness blog inspired by headlines from the NY Times and other newspapers. :)
It's been a couple if weeks since I last participated, happy to be back to share and to read.
anything is welcome,
no sorry,
let's have fun.
A personal one, for the issues affecting teens:
This was a bit of fun though when I came up with my headline I groaned: Winning Coach and Symbol of Penn State.
Good idea for a theme. It was fun writing a topical piece based on a NYT headline!
Happy New Year to all! It's been a while since I participated so here it goes.
happy picnic!
this is kind of new to you, I am sorry if this does not satisfy your general taste.
have fun, guys.
This is Abby! I received your note a kindness in the mail yesterday. You made me smile. Thank you so much!
I wish you Happy New Year too.
I'm so glad to know you and thank you for an outlet for my writing and thoughts.
Have fun,
I am taking a break from the computer now,
Thanks for the patience,
I woke up this morning finding that I did not prepare for the picnic post, so I started looking at stuff,
did it in a rush, Thanks for the tolerance and incredible patience.
Happy Happy. 26 and counting.
I believe that the post is basically done for now.
Thanks for coming.
booguloo, you rock.
! I loved this prompt... I read this article (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/21/arts/dance/oceans-kingdom-at-new-york-city-ballet-review.html?scp=4&sq=ballet&st=cseand)
I felt like i could compare a battle I am having with a ballet... then I read the article about how the NYC Giants kicker had deja vu with his winning field goal... the write just came to me... thanks for the prompt!
I don't read the New York Times, but I have looked at their website and tried to use some headlines for this weeks poetry picnic.
Thanks Taylor for this new "prompt". Loved doing this one.
Happy Poetry Picnic.
I'm not a newspaper reader, and I do believe that Internet, social networking and such hold a lot of dangers especially for the most vulnerable (troubled teens, for instance.) I wrote a poem, though, a little while ago that brings up one of the topics mentioned yesterday: bullying. So, I added the link to it.
A belated Happy Lunar year! I don't have Chinese roots, but it's become a fun tradition in my family to throw a Chinese New Year themed birthday party for my daughter. We've just had a roaring Dragon Party!
submitted mine, Glad to try.
Happy Reading. : )
Great one, smile.
Glad to see you in,
please keep your talent and enthusiasm coming.
I just didn't see anything which grabbed my attention. Maybe my muse will react to a different theme next time.
Hi, sorry, I couldn't write about it very well, because I am in England, and I think id'd be making a very shallow judgement. :] BUT I wanted to be involved, so I put a poem about a lady who is very inspirational. :] xx
happy Tuesday.
politic is tough, best wishes for your efforts.
the world depends on us, the creative mind http://www.estherdouek.com/?p=529
Wow I'm surprised my poem is on the featured page. Truly an amazing place to be sharing our words.
super late, better than none,
love the spring images, way to go.
Hello, my name is Bradley Peraino. I am writing because I have addad a new page to my blog and would love your help in making it flourish. I have created a page dedicated to the "Wounded Warrior Project" It is open for posting. there are some small requests such as, being respectful towards our troops. Anti-war, Politics, etc. will not be acceptable. My request from you is that you post a message with the link on your blog. There is no limit on the number of posts and the posting will remain open until December. I hope that you can help me with this project.
Sincerely, Bradley A. Peraino
Interesting prompt.
I am glad to submit,
better than none,
Happy Poetry picnic.
Received mail in the morning about it being the last chance today to add my poem/post link and by the time I made it here with this :
, the link is already closed :'( Bahuhuhuhuhu!! :(:(:(:(:(
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