Friday, September 2, 2011

Poem of the Week on Prompt "The Kiss"

This week at The Gooseberry Garden, we have handsome collections of entries, almost 80% or above entries written on theme "The Kiss", provided by Shashi...The poem of the week is given to David King’s Poetry Picnic Week 2 entry: (See his original post via link below)

Son of a goldsmith
Gold was godly mystery
Gold was decadence

Icon-flat the paint
No shadows no perspective
Just the flesh stood out
Image as mirror
Reflecting sacred passions
Seen in human form
Symbols amplify
Transcend ephemeral form
Feigned naivety

PS: David King has been a long time blogger, he has been with Jingle Poetry community for quite some time as well. He has his own style of writing, and he always writes for the theme and makes a dozen encouraging comments along  the way after he linked in.

It is a pleasure to have someone such as David King in our community, keeping us going and keeping us strong.  His poetry is unique, deep, and masterful.

Please feel free to visit his blog here:


JM said...

what a wonderful poem and great choice of words. Thanks for sharing his work :)

Maggie said...

Great choice. : )

Blaga said...

Absolutely beautiful! Perfect choice! Bravo David!

The Unknowngnome said...

Congratulations David, well done.

Dave King said...

Wow, there's a surprise! I came on with no thought that it might be me. My grateful thanks for choosing me. This has REALLY made my day.

And thanks, too, to all those leaving generous remarks. I feel extremely flattered.

Anonymous said...

Jullien, Thingy, Blaga, The Unknown Gnome, Thanks for the encouraging words.


Anonymous said...

David King,

well deserved honor, keep us inspired, we enjoyed your company.

Happy Saturday!

Jingle Poetry At Olive Garden said...

you made my day, guys,

it is sweet to get your approval of the choice.


Happy Saturday.
Happy September!


Hope said...

beautiful! thanks for featuring him :)

ds said...

Wonderful poem, as beautiful as the painting. Off to visit him...
Thank you.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

hope, DS,

you guys rock.

Thanks for the heads up.

hope to see you all in on week 3.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gerry Snape said...

For me Dave's knowledge of so many sides of the arts and life in general make for some of the most interesting and thoughtful poetry that I've read in recent years. I love his work and this is another goodie!

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

Thanks for the lovely response,

Gerry Snape.

JamieDedes said...

A beautiful poem. An excellent selection for this post and this past week. Wonderful! Thank you.

Morning said...

Jamie Dedes, thanks for the smiles.

you rock, girl.