Saturday, April 28, 2012

Poem of The Week 33: Sweet Tweet By J. Binford-Bell

Image Credit: Author or Blogger via, J. B. B.

Hello, How do you do this Saturday?
We have poem of the week 33 up now,
I pick Jacqui Binford-Bell's Sweet Tweet,
The poem is original, playful, and smiling....
 to visit her original post, please visit here: Jacqui Binford-Bell 

Sweet Tweet
Tweet Twit
I've tried
My life
in 140 key strokes.
I have galore
by never tweeting
A single line
of 140 characters.
I attempt 
to translate
from time to time
On a dull day
Machine stroke hieroglyphs. 
50 monkeys
at random
with infinite time
are smarter
than infinite tweeters and 50 keys.
No one
can write a poem
as lovely as a tree
or as base as a tweet
for my taste
I will take the tweets of birds.
J. Binford-Bell
April 2012


Anonymous said...

love this, smiles.

JBinford-Bell said...

WOW! I am floored. And very, very complimented considering the company I am in.

Thank you so much.