The poem’s Title ‘Walls of My City’ had two deep references that were striking to me as a reader. The word ‘walls’ had multifarious connotations not only as a safe haven but also as a prison or a confined place where one feels highly insecure physically as well as spiritually. ‘My City’ brought nostalgia helplessness and a sense of loss, for the 5th of February is a Day of Remembrance of my Homeland Kashmir, still an occupied territory, where the natives long to go as free citizens. My reason for choosing this poem is to highlight the importance of Freedom and Human Rights and to make this world a better place for everyone. One should not feel alienated with all the grandeur of towers, grand cities and lose hope to say ‘life is meaningless’ The last lines are an acceptance of ‘reality’ in the words ‘dust’’Dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return’ why then do we ignore our fellow human beings and in them the reality of ‘being’A beautiful poem to think about ‘life our obligations and The Truth and to see things ‘as they really are’ as Poet Critic Mathew Arnold stated in his Critical Essays. I present ‘The Walls of My City’ by ‘Altered Reality Mr Visionary as Poem of The Week’…
I have abandoned everything
Like a monk with weary eyes
I am a hermit within the city walls
Tall towers of light are only columns of dreams
I have fled from the horizon
to study the core
I am tired of all the signs -
In a falling leaf
the whole universe is summarized.
Don’t wake me up!
Let me sleep in my rich delusions
Let me be like dust
that never had a name
it never spoke a word.
More about Altered Reality at
a lovely choice,
enjoyed the depth in his words.
amazing pick...
Thank you Jingle Poetry and Friend Taylor Boomer
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