Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Do Peace, Not War...Start Today, You, She, He, They, We, and I (Write, Think, Drive, Inspire, and Say Many Thanks to You All) (May 4th, 2016-June 5, 2018) Year Five NO5)

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Art by tom underwood and encouraged by Jennifer wisdom

Ossm Music Group
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international exchange of voice makes peace efforts world famous
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Noble Peace prize maker, Barack Obama, 2009
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Michelle Skoog

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I many times thought Peace had come
When Peace was far away—
As Wrecked Men—deem they sight the Land—
At Centre of the Sea—

And struggle slacker—but to prove
As hopelessly as I—
How many the fictitious Shores—
Before the Harbor be—

poem by Emily Dickerson

The red-rose flush fades slowly in the west.
The golden water, basking in the light,
Pales to clear amber and to silver white.
The velvet shadow of a flame-crowned crest
Lies dark and darker on its shining breast,
Till lonely mere and isle and mountain-height
Grow dim as dreams in tender mist of night,
And all is tranquil as a babe at rest.

So still! So calm! Will our life's eve come thus?
No sound of strife, of labour or of pain,
No ring of woodman's axe, no dip of oar.
Will work be done, and night's rest earned, for us?
And shall we wake to see sunrise again?
Or shall we sleep, to see and know no more? 

poem by Ada Cambridge


Michelle Ivana Yunaska Theilfing Obama said...

happy May to You All!

Anonymous said...

amazing one.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

amazing efforts.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

world peace is fine drive.

Alissa Meredith Jill Osborn Schapiro said...

amazing grace.

Anonymous said...

way to go.

Anonymous said...

amazing one.

Anonymous said...

keep it going.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

amazing one.

peace and love said...
