Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A Scattered Thought on World Peace Factors and How Inner Peace Mindset Helps Project (WP Business No. 4)

Good Morning, Poets, Bloggers, Friends, Supporters, and Creative Writers:

 It is time to promote world peace, and this is our fourth year of efforts and poetry is and will always be our strongest strength to endure a world of writers who stay active, have inner strength and extraordinary energy to pursuit positive relation, good family values, and thrilling creativity...

You have up to 4 weeks to work out your entry, the submission is from today to May 25th, 2015, which means you have enough time to make your effort, this helps you improve your creative writing skills by writing for a theme, the topic could be anything related to world peace, inner peace.
In case you have trouble writing for our theme but still wish to submit your poetry, you can choose sharing a free verse and a poem related to creation, art, education, location, comprehension, love, and occupation, etc.

The offer is open to the public, Two entries Per blog link please, One for our theme, another is free verse, random poetry or haiku, you are encouraged to fine tune your entry and meet the requirement before submitting, 

our officials will format your work into a book form, we expect about 100-200 entries, we will publish your talent of poetry as a book, it is independent publishing and NON-Profit, which means that  we won’t charge you but won’t pay you either, the bookstore or online booksellers such as Amazon might earn a profit, but they will never pay our officials or you. And the finished book selling link will be provided to you by end of June , 2015, have fun, good luck! 

Instruction to your submissions:
Make sure to:

#1: read and follow instruction, make sure you know what you are doing.
#2: once you have written a free verse or a poem on our theme (no more than 30 lines each poem, copy and paste it to your blog, post it, then submit to our special offer prompt,
#3: upon your submission, make a comment under the post, saying:

Hello, JP @ Olive Garden officials, I agree to have my work published in your A Scattered Thought On World Peace Factors and How Inner Peace Mindset Helps Project, along with
Title of your entry,
Name in which you wish to appear in the book,
Blog link,
Poem content,
#4: read and comment for other entries to get inspired, no obligations on this one!

 some media sources may inspire you when you try to find a fitting title or inspiring article:

The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/

NBC Dallas Fort Worth News: http://www.nbcdfw.com/

The Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/

Bangor Daily News: http://bangordailynews.com/

Los Angles Times: http://www.latimes.com/

Maryland News: The Baltimore Sun: http://www.baltimoresun.com/

The Wall Street Journal: http://online.wsj.com/home-page

Good Morning, America Yahoo News: http://gma.yahoo.com/

Stillwater News Press: http://www.stwnewspress.com/

The Daily O’Collegian: http://www.ocolly.com/


a sample poem on peace by Ada Cambridge :

The red-rose flush fades slowly in the west.
The golden water, basking in the light,
Pales to clear amber and to silver white.
The velvet shadow of a flame-crowned crest
Lies dark and darker on its shining breast,
Till lonely mere and isle and mountain-height
Grow dim as dreams in tender mist of night,
And all is tranquil as a babe at rest.

So still! So calm! Will our life's eve come thus?
No sound of strife, of labor or of pain,
No ring of woodman's axe, no dip of oar.
Will work be done, and night's rest earned, for us?
And shall we wake to see sunrise again?
Or shall we sleep, to see and know no more?


Jingle Poetry At Olive Garden said...


it seems rare to think of writing poetry and submit to an online community, but one or two of our top officials from this site decides to do a project, featuring world peace project and help some bloggers get published via non-profit efforts.

which is a good way for some.
hope that all enjoy a festival month of world peace promotion
and submit your entry via inlinkz and comments below.


Anonymous said...

The Scents from Pier 1 Imports
Stephan Peter Carl Victor Hudson

Soludos for Giayu,
27801 avenue Scott
Valencia of CA at West Coast.
Pier 1 Imports scents,
one green, one blue, and one red,
Cilantro et citrus VS Oceans.
Small pockets of words,
penned by Robert Frost on a boy's will,
and north of Boston, a treasuring thing.
Jimmie Pencil,
poetry through William Pritchard,
and Peter Davison.
Finding such tranquil mind
that brings peace to our daily grind,
this shows how words and business serve world peace currentland.

Anonymous said...

Hi, awesome news here,
I agree to have my poem published with you....cheers.

x the unknown variable
Roessel Morton Celeste Nicholas Thornton

x is the first thing
when it comes to math,
x is an unknown variable
along with y and z.
x can be anything,
x can be nothing,
x can be 1 2 3,
x can be a b c...
x is a cross at railroad intersection,
x is a no mark to your wrong solution,
x is a special axis when it comes to algebra,
x is you and me as independent civilians.
x comes first
x is an ex or extra entry,
x is a mathematician's first choice,
x is fun when you play with it with wit and patience.

Anonymous said...

Hi, here is mine:

how I find my inner peace
Madeline Terry Camille Nat Brownback

the world is a mess,
if I don't prune my mind,
the space may be full of noise,
which is important that I preserve my inner peace.
there is always fresh air,
there is always novel thoughts,
there is always tight ropes,
there is always disputes.
instead of fighting the odds to reinforce agreement,
I choose freedom of speech,
I pick personal efforts and freelance enjoyment,
I opt to use silence and distance to obtain peace.
although there is so much stress at times,
as long as I stand as a unique sector
and promote creativity, education, humanity,
I indeed find my own paradise of victory.

Anonymous said...

late april thoughts (world peace business act number 4)
Nancy Beebe Goolsby Tramel Perry

Saturday morning,
Sidewalk super Target store,
The Fat Cat on Green Mat Book.
McCafe coffee,
Mackie's steak house looks at Pier 1 imports,
Western style ihop international pancakes,
English muffins,
Sausages and eggwhite plate,
plus Hush Brown for breakfast at Edmond.
A man and a woman,
Tied by a marriage and two offspring,
often feel the edge of invisible pain.
Late April thoughts,
Half price books exist,
mixed emotions surface now and then.
eat, shop, cook, write,
let's do everything to fulfill our taste bud,
sleep, think, walk, invent,
exercises and brain storming help putting our doubts behind.

Anonymous said...

a bookmark between pages of Coltrane (world peace business act number 4)
Herbert Rick Buffet Robert Levatich

red and green,
blue and yellow,
black and white,
orange and purple,
two colors, one bookmark.
CEO and directors,
capital and state,
president and cabinets,
ladies and gentlemen,
many counterparts, one hollywood.
Easy mark bookmarks,
Simple knots,
Conyers, Brandon, Florence, Jackson, Alabama and Georgia benchmarks,
Complex Arts,
Mary Fallin, Todd Holm, Milan Wesleyan.
colorado mountains,
utah valley,
lots of skiing and swimming
peace bids its head toward our art and landscape painting.

Cindy Gary Murray Tomblin Bullock said...

Verizon Wireless Cellular (world peace business act number 4)
Cindy Gary Murray Tomblin Bullock

Westcott rulers,
a plain white measurement tool,
Enid folks workout sheets for you.
Paciugo ice cream,
Pandora pearls gift sets,
both are unforgetable moments.
Swarovski hand watches,
Sephora massive makeups,
A Madeline adventure.
Verizon wireless cellular,
a premium retailers pride,
what Walt-Disnet connection.
love from other being heals,
a small act or a kind gesture does wonders,
comprehension of human and human differences prevails,
a poem with promotion and grace brings pieces of glass into one single attention---words count.

Anonymous said...

my way to world peace (world peace business number 4)
Layne Gerald Wade Cutts Hansen

I hear him,
I hear her,
I hear scream,
I hear murmur...
some want to go to war,
some want to kill their opponents in a row,
some choose to convince the leaders,
while others try to influence the soldiers.
a few decide to give in,
many opt to stay indifferent,
for those who are confronted and affected,
life is a struggle when personal beliefs contrast a remote friend.
the media reports all levels of arguments,
but that may not solve the problems,
only if all know that everything is alternate,
at USA soil, visitors are aliens who shall not force automatic ideology shifts.
my way to world peace is weak,
my way to world peace is respect and distance,
my way to world peace is mutual understanding, not parade,
my way to world peace is NO Violence, but different standards.
the wheels of earth roll,
the minds of people struggle,
don't expect free money and empty resistance,
don't round up to a whole number to hide your ambition of attacks and wounds.

Anonymous said...

the dramatioc fights among, between, and against...(world peace business number 4)

Susan Rafael Otter Jolie Nixon

Shell, Kum & Go, Mobile,
Bestwestern engagement rings pass love
the wings of a hopeful dove.
It's her day,
Shida, Morton, Cynthia, David, mike, and Jim join for a parade,
Forever 21 is sweet.
Pacsun T-shirts,
An express-wear of american Eagle Outfitters,
The pink faced monkey.
Tilly's, build-A-Bear dolls,
The summer Daze from New York & Company,
high five, USA today.
Sleep Number mattress,
Unfriended chats, Nurit Karlin writes children's serises,
Vans VS Vanity.
without meals, gas, mobile phone, and cars,
we can not live at ease,
without world peace and international order,
we can not breathe and pass our smiles.

Anonymous said...

Chicago Bulls 23 (world peace business act number 4)
remonger Marty JacoBus Quinlan Pickens

Mary Fallin, Sarah Palin, and Gina Noble everywhere,
So do Tao-N-Cha cafe and Icon Cafe bar-n-sushi there,
Shop at Lowe's for lawn-mower is fair.
Chicago bulls 23,
Winnie-the-Pooh Delaware,
Princeton Review dares.
Urban Wanda Square,
KFC chicken wings take over
and McDonald boss supports Holli-ster.
Left and right,
Coltrane Cafe provides apple pies,
Tom Lee assists Tuzos Mwarumba and Kobe Bryant.
Without Michael Jordan and Phil Jackson,
Without Chicago bulls six wins,
Without tough knowledge and high level of military training,
Thee will be no peace at Silicon Valley and Mountain View sites.
promoting world peace is very vital,
promoting embrace and personal space is very essential,
if no peace,
then no grace and no tolerance.

Maggie Patti Barbara Frankford-Walton said...

if not reconstructing America, Understanding USA then... (world peace business act number 4)
Maggie Patti Barbara Frankford-Shapirol

Some are confused,
Some appear indifferent,
I'm clear!
This is America, and under constitution,
We stand as an individual,
free, living, loving, and profound.
No force shall remove our freedom,
no policeman shall question our integrity,
No presidents shall confront our intention of conservative living.
We go to work,
We shop for clothing and food,
We write for inner satisfaction.
We appreciate Uncle Sam, Abram Lincoln, Bill Clinton,
We understand George Bush, Donald Reagan, Thomas Jefferson,
We value Barack Obama, John F. Kennedy, and Benjamin Franklin.
freedom is not free,
losing freedom means losing control,
world peace costs,
without peace, without comfortable friendships.

Anonymous said...

Na Dream Fulfilled (world peace business act number 4)
Anne Emerson Sharp Block Bloomberg

Na Dream fulfilled
as a nightingale,
was transferred into
a sad sonnet
of William Shakespeare.
Red and Black faced,
A lone seagull in a beach.
the bird weeps,
dreaming of Guerrero Corn chips.

Benjamin Kingery Loomis Roy Moore said...

Cezanne Landscape (world peace business act number 4)
Benji Barratt Clark Twohill Sullivan

one might think of a frog would transfer
from rice field to lotus pond,
tracing the energy
in a green splash of waves
spreading, legs tense in a Firestone
gesture that summer is romantic.
Tadpoles from schools of fish,
catching Cezaane's breath
as she places hand-washed clothes in water
and letting the umbrella of lotus
dance Mozart
under the hot gaze of the June.
Back on the bank of the Happiness ditch,
standing forests of linestraus (Xianma),
the nourishing dark greenness
arches a wall of waterfall,
setting the landscape of
nothing, but pure double eye-lid fox.
Posted by Benji Barratt Clark Twohill Sullivan

Emanita said...

Hello, JP @ Olive Garden officials, I agree to have my work published in your A Scattered Thought On World Peace Factors and How Inner Peace Mindset Helps Project, along with
After Charlie*,
M. Anita "Emanita" Bailey,

After Charlie*

After Charlie,
folks will look at folks
differently, perhaps not
even aware they are doing so.

Folks will look at folks.
Mistrust & fear
will be the glasses they wear.
Apprehension. Apprehension,

Mistrust & fear
will drive hesitant (clandestine?) reactions.
Apprehension. Apprehension.
The “Are we Charlie?” question

will drive hesitant (clandestine?) reactions.
Are you Charlie? Am I?
The “Are we Charlie?” question,
I cannot answer.

Are you Charlie? Am I?
The right of it all?
I cannot answer.
Perhaps I think differently.

The right of it all?
Differently? Perhaps not.
But a lot will change,
after Charlie.

*Charlie Hebdo

Anonymous said...

Marines Do Lead! (World Peace business Act Number 4)
Kate Neal Virginia Ann Hargis

Michael Dalton, Craig huddleston,
individuals of freedom,
feathering Presley O'Bannon, Chester Nimitz,
A spotlight on Marines corps.
Not all can be a marine,
not all marines can be an officer,
to be the nation's most elite warriors,
one must meet standards.
Douglas MacArthur, Ted Williams,
Colonel Louis Rachal, Winston Churchill,
Platoon leaders tests,
Marines do overcome physical and mental toughness.
USA naval academy,
Naval Reserve officers training corps,
Officer candidates course,
special circumstances...
"fight for national security
and world peace..."
that's part of marines' goal,
and Ronald Reagan has faith in Marines.

Hanna Rollins said...

Rubyard Kiplin
Hanna Rollins

rubyard kiplin, a gem in red,
Nomenus Xorcheus, a shadow in green,
Waves roll on layers, pacific ocean,
Roberts Hawaii bus tours, Honolulu Beach.
Squeezed by the united Concords,
climbed by mountain view islanders,
Rubyard and Nomenus scream aloud,
Oahu is one fabulous expression.
Amber Edward's eyes get wet,
we're on our way to liberty,
Mark Lagoon's face becomes red,
Nimitz Infiniti is Hawaii's celebrity.
honest travelers. and she is media,
unspoken laws, he is California.

Laura Hillary Kimberly said...

the princess
Laura Hillary Kimberly

My hair is long,
a golden shiny blonde,
I look into the mirror
and admire the future ruler of the land.

The queen sits on her thrown,
there on her own,
I come along to say hello
And give her a pillow.

I give her a bow,
how are you my queen,
She says’ “I want some food now
Were have you been.”

I walked away why does,
she boss me around,
I gave her her food,
And a frown.

Malcolm Jeffrey Kidmall said...

Inner Peace
Malcolm Jeffrey Kidmall

Inner peace is so hard to find,
because of the world we live in,
inner peace is so hard to find,
because of the way we live,
inner peace is so hard to find,
because of our needs,
inner peace is so hard to find,
because of love,
inner peace is so hard to find,
because of hate,
inner peace is so hard to find,
because of greed and lust,
inner peace is so hard to find,
because we search for it,
inner peace is not hard to find,
if we relax and take our time,
inner peace is not hard to find,
if we speak the unspoken,
inner peace is not hard to find,
if we are true to ourselves.

Relax, take your time,
speak the words of the unspoken,
stay true, and you will see,
that inner peace consists of a you and me.

Anonymous said...

Facebook jokes: a wall to go through
Lucinda Goce Bristol Tamhane Sahakian

birds fly south,
or sit on high wires,
names hop on webs,
or hook on Facebook pages,
Larry feels merry
to grow passion on Lucinda,
Gloria senses the joy
in her association with Carl Victor,
a family of victory,
upbeat mood spreads on Google sector.
make some fun on twitter and Facebook today,
let yahoo images and Googleplay creators have a say.

Shik Trisha Browine said...

Longlive Peace
Shik Trisha Browine

Peace is all we want
Peace is all we need
Peace is all we ask
Peace is all we desire

There’s something we should do
That’s not been done
Something we can win
That’s not been won
Something we can shout out
To end all the brutal war games
We Want peace

Case for war was fake,
Don’t let it fade
More lives can be saved
Got to be brave
Something we can shout out,
We want peace, and we want it right now
Talking is Free

All we hunger is Peace
All we miss is Peace
All we lack is Peace
Peace is all we want

Peace is all we ask
It’s not a big task
Believe me
It’s easy.

Peace is all we want
Peace is all we need
Peace is all we want
Peace is all we need

All we wish is peace..., please

Howard Torkelson Johnson said...

Mothers Day Poem
Howard Torkelson Johnson

M - O - T - H - E - R
"M" is for the million things she gave me,
"O" means only that she's growing old,
"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,
"H" is for her heart of purest gold;
"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
"R" means right, and right she'll always be,
Put them all together, they spell
A word that means the world to me.

Egal Bohen said...

Egal Bohen

When we are angry at mankind
Or rave at some depravity of mind
When we would curse behavior of a kind
To argue, rather than to view benign
It is with our own self we battle wage
When choosing not to understand, nor to engage
With that from which we isolate our self
With anger sent, to where, perhaps is needed help
Lest fearful, reason may just find the time
With tenderness, to enter in our mind.
And so it is perhaps from loss of our own face
We are so quick to shout of their disgrace
But we should not lose sight of our own sins
Though, in different colors dressed, appear they in
For is not all, of nature in this life?
The good, the bad, together, love, and strife
As nature, this is how such things will be
So it is not how loud we shout, but what we see
And seeing do, to help, to liberate
To free with tolerance, not shut the gate
That is
How it should be

Nicole Hai Immorlica said...

Artists Together for Peace
Nicole Hai Immorlica

we are together with our Arts
We are together with our Peace

We are all artist of the world
together with our Arts for Peace

We all have very strong belief
That our art relate to peace

Let's sing together for peace
Let's grow together for peace

Let's sing together this song of love
For the sake of Love and Peace

Kora-Leah Meet Faust Wilson said...

All About Jiaweng Ha and His World Famous Blue Moon Drive
Kora-Leah Meet Faust Wilson

Six inches sandwich from Subway is good
When Marla and Ray are understood,
Thanks to Brancy, Rel, Robin, Mish, and Garth,
Farm Credit union is full of beautiful warmth.

Knapp Catmelf sees Kathleen Aichele,
Jiaweng Ha agrees with Sashi Ya,
a cup of hot iron budda tea,
a scope of mindful lyrics in Miami.

Aleza, Amanda, Kavita, Olivia, Tracy, Doraz, A. B. Thomas, Leo,
Talents in poetry potluck have big deals,
Bill, Sis, Riika, Victoria, Annie, Christopher, Lynn, Larry, LuAnn,
Self-made videos—heart-warming poetic meals.

Jiaweng Ha drives a blue Honda,
Jiaweng Ha writes Vector Calculus formulas,
Jiaweng Ha swims at Lake Michigan and Shore of Florida,
Jiaweng Ha is an expert in applied mathematics of Utah.

Being a researcher is cool,
Being a peace maker to all types of civilians is brave,
Jiaweng Ha is a high intelligence of yahoo,
Jiaweng Ha is a world peace maker between Seoul and Kyoto.

Anonymous said...

Paddle One's Own Canoe
Charles Boast Wilder

Everyone has traveled about a bit in his time,
All of troubles he's seen many,
But finding it better in all clime
to paddle his own canoe.
None shall wants all, none can care all,
After his bills are paid before due,
He can drift away strife in the ocean of life sea
while everyone paddles one's own canoe.
Love one's neighbor as oneself
As the world turns, he goes traveling through
and refuses to sit down with a tear or a frown,
But paddle his own canoe.
Pa and Ma sing their favorite fiddle song,
Their children also sing along,
The mood is set good,
Education at home-front is well put.

Anonymous said...

Larry Hasty Wendy Stanley Wojcicki

What do we need to be happy?
A midsummer dance at Thursday night?
A horse back ride alone
near the shore of Sunset Beach?
Do we NE-ED the rain,
Wet like dragon's eye fruit,
Soothing the weeks of droughts of hunger,
Years of questions and hardships,
for worse or for better?
How sad it is for you to come to me for mercy
after fearless killings on my destiny?
You live without much considerations,
As the bleeding past reminds,
I cover my scars you left in my mind,
and walk toward my tomorrow,
As far as I know,
You do live in luxury
and have everything you need,
at the cost of someone you hate,
Stop lying to the public
or accuse someone you hate of things
she/he are not capable of ...
You need me and us,
We don't really need you
but do care and show mercy on you.

Chelsea Leming Joseph Bernice Halligan said...

Flutterbudget Reflection (world peace business drive year number four)
Chelsea Leming Joseph Bernice Halligan

Riots hurt,
No money is bad.
Caroline and Carrie are sick
When no payment for folks at Stebbins and things go sad.
Hunger stirs Mary, Laura, and Docia,
Greed stabs Charles, Henry, Owen, and big Jerry.
Social class shall go implicit,
Open media must be managed and has control.
Isolation is needed at times,
Don’t crowd too close.
Flutterbudget is a case of lessons,
everyone shall be more considerate of those who are less fortunate.

yunnan marlo said...

Yunnan University
Yunnan Marlo

you yawn for yolk daily,
young donkey plays yo yo,
youth orchestra camp recruits first class musicians,
oyo at ocu stands strong and promising.

when you ignore a young man,
he is not entitled to give positive comment,
seek ymail and read yahoo,
ride on Yamaha motorcycle and say YES to Yale graduate.

sail along yalu river,
take snapshots along yangtze canal,
yell at those who swim naked,
visit yunnan university for a yummy experience.

yes, you do what you agree,
yes, you yield to your own authority,
do recall Yuan Juanming and Yuan Yu,
give a go to Quansen Jiu and Baoquan Yuan...

Chuck Gates said...

zero guilt
Chuck Gates

A zoo is full of animals,
A zero is full of freedom,
A number is not guilty at all.
go to sleep with no buzzing,
sweet dreams in one's zestful zippers,
zig zag maze shows us lots of zen religion,
life is full of mess yet zero guilt.
perez prezel raises fund for zilker park guests,
new zealand people happen to look at wuzhen,
zemin jiang promotes minze xi and chuanzhen peng,
don't litter swallows at zhejiang university.

Anonymous said...

Shira, Zohar, and Curt
Angenette Karen Gregory Olivara Beredjick

for years, from some ragged dreams,
I spot you, talking of wisdom,
and without a complaint,
the glittering shadow of a knight
absorbs darkness.
a stretched willow waves its hands
toward Cumberlands, bearing
a full moon of ashes.
The horse races on,
Lonesome coconut beach,
the weight of stress increases,
then with an ancient sage's strength,
the bloodstream comes back
and all hear her murmur:
a random and a mistaken relation,
God bless Shira, Zohar, Curt, Ted, Wilma, and Nurit.

Ian Grayson Horswill said...

where is the peace
Ian Grayson Horswill

Where is the Peace
our hearts keys
that make us invincible
unpiercable, unscathable
Where is the Peace
that lets us sleep
to up the faith we keep
and Where is the Peace
in a world of war
when we know nothing that's in store
Where is the Peace
when money rears its fangs
to divide class and race among all things
Where is the Peace
can't we all just get along
throw our money and all aside and admit we're wrong
to keep humanity strong
Where is our Peace

Malia Craig Tagg Lawrence Page said...

Funnies for bunny rabbits
Malia Craig Tagg Lawrence Page

I am completely confused,
I have to confess I'm used,
Anne Wojcicki and Susan Wojcincki,
Wendy Noyle or Eleanor Boyle,
Things go vague,
Christopher Clark and Chuck Reed get up at 5 o'clcok,
Edward Lee refuses to agree,
People shall liter technology...for free
Mark and Jack always are ready to fight,
Eric, Stacy, Liz, Lucinda, and Alison prefer to go on hide,
left turn,
Mountain view in sane,
right turn,
Silicon Valley has soft gel pen.

Josie Berry said...

Ed Schmidt At Manhattan Novelist Lists
Josie Berry

lots of aspiring poets,
they write and post,
they publish and sell,
they speak of poetic skills
and promote love, passion, nutrition, peace, and creativity.

let's name some
to make them appear awesome:

Warren Fine
Linda Gredd
Stephen Dunn
David Ray
David Allan Evans
Jane Wayne
Robert Bly
Bobby Kerr
Ken Handsen
Thea Kuticka
Gerald Costanzo
Donald Finkel
Ed Schmidt
Barack Robinson
Gray Bun
Mary Oliver
Kay Ryan

Munnan Misra Stein said...

Munnan Misra Stein

Peace - overcoming evil with good be,
Peace - overcoming falsehood with truth be,
Peace - overcoming hate with love clearly,
Peace - in hearts and minds of people be.

For Peace - love and sacrifice for it readily,
For Peace - strive to build it unhesitatingly,
For Peace - shun war understandingly,
For Peace - strive and work for it earnestly.

The more man sweats for the humanity,
The less he bleeds in war of societies,
Peace through peaceful means achieved be,
In nuclear age Peace the way of survival be.

Lotie Bollag Mosher Kloppenburg Romney said...

Nothing Sees Everything
Skylar Whetstone Hayley Bollag Romney

Chris Day writes headlines,
Michael Steuerwalt studies blue prints.

nothing sees everything,
Victor Roytburd understands Emily Dickerson.

John Haddock cares about education,
Kevin Ahern paints Oregon region recognition.

Jiahong Wu masters applied math,
Jennifer Simowitz Pearl dominates physical science.

Engler Hans walks a famous mile,
Larry Page upgrades google file.

David Sparks said...

Do Some Exercise!
Music and Angelo Natalie and David Sparks
Lyrics by David Sparks

I like to wiggle, wiggle, wiggle my fingers,
Like to wiggle, wiggle, wiggle my toes,
I like to stretch my arms up in the air,
Then swing them to and fro.

I like to bend so low and touch the ground,
I like to twist and spin around and round,
I like to reach so high up to the sky,
I like to do some exercise!
I like to do some exercise!

I like to hop, hop, hop on my two feet,
I like to hop, hop, hop all around.
I like to tumble and dance and have some fun,
Like a funny circus clown.

I like to bend so low and touch the ground,
I like to twist and spin around and round,
I like to reach so high up to the sky,
I like to do some exercise!
I like to do some exercise!

I like to tap, tap, tap, tap on my tummy,
Like to tap, tap, tap it like a drum.
I like to jump and bounce and skip and hop,
Exercise is so much fun!

I like to bend so low and touch the ground,
I like to twist and spin around and round,
I like to reach so high up to the sky,
I like to do some exercise!
I like to do some exercise!

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle my fingers,
Hop, hop, hop on my two feet,
Tap, tap, tap, tap on my tummy,
And do some exercise!

Malcolm Eric Koru said...

Malcolm Eric Koru

A time for picnics, time off work -
Vacations and the "Indy" -
A holiday, too often times
We forget what, it should be.

A time to pay respect to those
Who rallied to the battle cry -
Who gave their lives for liberty -
Those freedoms for you and I.

Such a waste of brave young souls -
Some still struggling through their youth
Who faced and fell willingly
Before wartime's awful truth.

So as we share this holiday
With our friends or family -
Take a moment to give thanks to
Those who died so we'd stay free.

Let us strive for world peace -
For the end of greed and hate -
For next time, after "the war"
It just may be too damned late.

Anonymous said...

Why Do you need to discover peace?
Jeanne Elena Owen-Mihaltses Henneberry

nothing is better than a peaceful mindset,
no stress,
no loss,
no anger.
None shall focus on someone else's problems,
Not even your own conflicts,
if not agreeing,
then do choose to ignore.
Gossips hurt,
Gossips lead to emotional uneasiness,
privacy is vital,
stay at your own place and appreciate what you have.
Discovering peace means no violence,
Spruce, Ruth, Richard, Matt, Nat may like Jack-in-the-Box,
Steve, Jean, John, George, Alex, Peter may like Chipotle,
It does not matter and let them make peace and go free.

Anonymous said...

Prem Laszlo Shrock Riesbeck Ottino

Nahum Alice Lainer entry,
Thomas Boone Pickens,
Bob Loftis furniture,
Gaylord Pickens museum,
Jim Theorpe museum.
Gala apples,
Shen Yun,
Courtyard at North Brook,
Julio Ontino,
Arne and Mary Oldberg Park,
HealthCare dental
Acura at NY times,
Central park pond,
Pampers & Luvs diapers,
Fayetteville High School,
Oklahoma State University.

Aggelos Honig Katsaggelos said...

Gaza (Palestine)
Aggelos Honig Katsaggelos

Stop the killing
Gaza is bleeding
She's bleeding dying kids
She's bleeding mothers' tears

Where is the leniency?
Let's overcome the inhumanity
Let's live with mercy
Let's have a life without brutality

Now we know the truth
We know the fake peace
We see the lies that devils try to smooth
We will fight for peace

Peace is what we are looking for
Peace screams and wails with every breath
Peace is the world cure

Ted Sheridian said...

A Healthy Diet
Ted Sheridan

The scales on my eyes now removed
I can see the error of my ways
I had protected myself from infectious diseases
Yet continually ignored and neglected my inner most being
Always concerned about bacteria or viruses invading the host
Colds and influenza taking up permanent residence
I began eating plenty of vegetables and fruit
Handfuls of supplements I would digest and pass
Within so many pools of expensive green urine
That even my bladder had to laugh…
When in the end all that really mattered
Was that my sins had been washed clean
By the blood the Savior had shed for me…

Dawn Michelle said...

My Dreams Are the Sun
Dawn Michelle

See that golden hue
Burning in the west
My dreams are with that color
My dreams are the sun
The sun always sets
But never seems to rise
That sun carries my dreams
Slowly out of my reach
I watch it slide away
Leaving me behind
The color disappears
My dreams are with that sun
Whenever the sun sets
It rises in another place
A place blessed by that light
My dreams are hidden in that light
At my window seat
I watch the sun take it all away
My dreams are with the sun
My dreams are the sun

Gayla Huwang said...

OU Medical Ambulance
Gayla Huwang

a flu shot on your arm,
causing lots of germ fights in your blood stream,
a stroke upon from unknown figures,
leading to phone calls on Medical ambulance.
Passing Crescent and Broadway streets,
We come to my dentist office,
Lizketh Mussery and Lisa Lambt care about others,
Tom Lee and Gina Noble enter political enterprise.
To keep Stillwater running,
Sharon Robertson agrees to a truce,
to please Alissa Schapiro and Scott Leming,
Lori Allen shows no prejuice.
OU medical School and UCO medical center are cool,
OSSM math and science is wise,
J. D. Henneberry and Rachel Wu study hard,
Tara Robinson and Nancy Black know how to balance relationship art.

Marquis Katz said...

Marquis Katz
Mingze Jixuw

watch Hawaiian Healing Yoga,
Feel the Stacy Lanterman Genre.
Eric Hoffer at Evanston Public Library,
A horse ride song by Woody Guthrie.
A story on Anna Campbell, Katy Manck,
Arthur Ashe, Marissa Mayers at Dodge Hall.
Connecting dots at Nutmeg,
Gan's hall wave hello to Orange Bus.
Andy's, Macy's, Snch's, Ruaux's, Toms,
rue 21 and majorie lewis.
Since i write lots of lulu pages,
i drag Marquis Katz to La Fitness.

Alissa Meredith Jill Osborn Schapiro said...

God’s Peace by Morteza Amir Rahimi
Alissa Meredith Jill Osborn Schapiro

There is a peace available, in troubled times, but not to all,
A peace available all the time, greater than peace of mind,
And this peace goes everywhere, to handle every tiny care,
But it has no limits to, the problems it can see you through.

The peace that I’m speaking of, will only come from above,
Peace God gives to His own, flowing down from His throne,
The peace of God all receive, when by faith they do believe,
The Gospel Truth of His Son, Christ, who died for everyone.

Though He died, now He lives, as this peace to us He gives,
Sent to believers in this life, to shelter them from daily strife,
The Holy Spirit is God’s agent, in whom God’s peace is sent,
The Spirit is our true comforter, giving us peace in trials sore.

This peace for us is secured, by the work done by The Lord,
And the only part left for us, is to place in The Lord our trust,
Then with a loving nod, Christ sends to us the peace of God,
A peace into a believer’s heart, that from God will not depart.

Peace always there for those, keeping eyes on He who rose,
Who gave to them a new life, centered in the peace of Christ,
This as that believer lives, through the Spirit that Christ gives,
Providing them God’s peace, in their heart that will not cease.

Sheila Todd Julio Hallelujah Monduwan said...

Promulgate Peace
Comfort Nicola DePaola

Promulgate peace wherever you go,
wherever you go I say promulgate peace,
In all the places - for the reasons I know -
a people free to choose will always choose peace!

Promulgate peace wherever you are,
it's a necessity in a developing nation!
Always keep the gates of peace ajar
and, please, proclaim peace without procrastination.

Promulgate peace in all ways,
to every living being preach peace;
both on highways and byways
people prefer the prince of peace.

Promulgate peace, it's not a crime!
It's the ideal use of energy and time!
Proclaim peace and eliminate pity,
yes, if spreading peace is a crime then I'm guilty!

Promulgate peace each and every season,
it really would be a handsome idea!
Preach the words of sublime reason
to each and every listening ear!

Bring peace unto my bosom, my dear -
bring peace and take away my film of fear!
Give to the world peace and freedom
For that shows a great sign of wisdom!

Promulgate peace and let's defy the odds,
let's all strictly stick to humanity,
let's be fair and faithful like the knight of old
And lets take a leap into pacific pools of serenity and tranquility.

Peace equals justice and unity,
Peace is equiponderate to impartial amity,
yes, a purely pacific world a probability there is,
and with each and every one of us lies the capability to ease -
to ease our tempers and attitudes and breathe peace
For a people free to choose will always choose peace!

Ajit Staum Tamhane said...

Inner Peace
Ajit Staum Tamhane

Comfort me always with this inner peace
this inner peace that soothes my mind
this inner peace that calms my heart

Despite the nervousness, chaos and distress
despite the troubles in this earthly existence
cast out the fears, worries and anxieties

Grant me this calming grace everyday
grant me this inner peace in home, at work or when I’m away
grant me this inner peace as I make it through the day

Pat Anita Quinn said...

Why should birthdays be celebrated?
Pat Anita Quinn

Birthdays should be celebrated
To respect the gift of life
And to thank our parents
For bringing us into the world

Birthdays should be celebrated
So that our children may know
That living to the fullest
Does manifest the elusive meaning of life

Birthdays should be celebrated
To thank our friends
Who link us to the universe
In an infinite circle of love

Birthdays should be celebrated
As a carnival of life that marks
The bittersweet passing of time
As we hopefully, grow wiser and more loving!

Cookie Dempsey said...

Together We Can
Cookie Dempsey

Together We Can
Together we can,
Make freedom.
Together we can,
Make world peace.
Together we can,
Stop world hunger.
Together we can,
Bring our soldiers home.
Together we can,
Stop the war.
Together we can,
Help the economy.
Together we can,
Have happiness.
Together we can,
Run from fear.
Together we can,
Have no fear.
Together we can,
Stop Time.
To fix everything.
Together we can,
Make everything okay.
Together, we can do anything.

Wendy Rose said...

To My People
Wendy Rose

It was myself blown
two leaves apart.
Becoming confused
when standing closer.
We bite at our shadows,
loving on our feet,
dying in our souls,
losing ourselves,
blaming one another.
what's missing!

Anonymous said...

A railroad camp at shawnee
Roxanne Burns George Arrington-Hans

Sabrina hops on the shelf,
While at book section,
Cathrine Cassidy publishes
menus for American homes with rich ingredients.
Once Michelle Obama in the name,
No more wild dog chases to blame,
the jiggling and jolting arguments
have been on all night,
Lena, Jean, Matt, Sergry, Marissa, Larry, Jerry, Sherlyn, Mikhaylovich,
and Lucinda are haunted by shrill, chill howl via MA air force.
A railroad camp at shawnee,
a blue tent near bunkhouse,
Grassy lawn underfoot,
Canvas walls sloping up to a peak next to a mouse.

Chase Mariano said...

The Past That Sparks Lust
Chase Mariano

The past that sparks lust

no hand holding,
no dating,
no conversation,
no love imagination.
some lords pay attention
to a shy civilian,
they stare, they evaluate,
they joke, and they tease
kindness falls
when she is in a pitfall
thanks to Raochang middle school
Xiantao, Jianli, Luxi, Yufan, Li chang, Rao Chang,
Zhang chang, Tian Men, Dai Hang, Heiliu, Xihu, Qiqiao,
Jinlin, Xu Village, Yuanhe, Zhonghe, Shen Nong Jia...
and Youzhi Cheng, Young Cheng, Li Cheng, Mingrong Rao

Sheng Dylan Tomas said...

Ode to my Mentor by Sheng Dylan Tomas
Posted By Justin Rebecca Chiasson

A mentor,
A guide,
A trainer,
A friend,
A person to help you get better and stronger,
to help you achieve your goal,
without them we are lost,
unable to progress,
as i came in
new to the game
lagging behind the rest,
but my mentor stood beside me
until i could catch up with the rest
My mentor was always there
even when i couldn't keep up with the rest,

Mentors are like the light
illuminating the path to take,
without them we are in the dark
cold and alone,
mentors are our friends
sticking with us until the ends,
mentors are our salvation
leading to victory and success,
mentors are like the rays of the sun
shining down on us with knowledge and experience,
mentors are the people who watch over us
and wish only for our success,

The same is with me,
my mentor guided me and taught me how to play,
he showed me the ropes and tricks of the game,
so i may have fun with my friends,
without him i would be lost,
wandering in the dark.

Anonymous said...

Amelia Googles Sharon-Stein Wilson

I sneeze on warm days
not sure how things play,
kidney, heart, liver, lungs,
these organs would say
what outsiders wish to hear
no panic acts
I simply bear
the odds,
what exotic page
comes cross
the wiggling maze,
it's hypnotic to us
if i could untie
or undo
some knots and tell people why
my other side
shall loose the
hairdo to
feel cool.

Nikos Henschen Hardavellas said...

Peace That Was Never Peace
Nikos Henschen Hardavellas

Wars, violence, and hatred
That’s what our world’s full of today
Nothing but pain and suffering
That never goes away

‘We’re in a time of peace, ’ they say
But how can that be true
With news of war on every channel
The word peace just won’t do

People are being killed
By brothers, sisters, friends
People they thought cared about them
Are forcing their life to end

This is no time of peace
There are many who can prove it
There are baby’s dying, and children
And it’s all of us who do it

Where is our peace now
It’s gone, it is deceived
Our lives are filled with the lies
Of peace that was never peace

Brad Enid Plutzik said...

The Sound from Ponca Resort
Brad Enid Plutzik

distant cousins come in spirit,
I hear Qunzhi Yang, Huijiao Hu, Binyu Yu, Bowen Fan, Linxia Xu,
I hear Xuefeng Hu, LanFeng Yu, Mingfa Wang, Yuan Peng, Yao Peng,
I recall Youngshun Yan, Youngcui Yan, Fusheng Peng, and Chuanxian Peng.

Without support,
They still love, embrace, and relate,
Good folks go cherry,
Qiao Hu, Lin Hu, Qiangjiao Kong, Min Wang, Taiping Xu, Shiping Ma, Fei Yang,

Listen to opera and grin,
Yuanyuan Xia, Mingzhou Wang, Huiju Zhou, Donghua Li, Xiaohua Lu, Qun Yan, Chuanhui Peng,
open up for orchestra and sing,
Nan Sheetz, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Chuanzhen Peng, Ying Liu, and Xiangzhi Peng.

Leigh Franklin Wright said...

Math, Peace, Freedom, and Friendship
Leigh Franklin Wright

last week,
He is given a bookmark
that comes from university of Nebraska,
a benchmark for Las Vegas math star.
This week,
He is given a teapot,
that is sold at university of Kentucky,
a gift of peace and freedom at Cincinnati.

next week,
he will be given a high speed train ticket
from Shijiazhuang to Xinxiang,
Because Baoquan Yuan, Guiqiang Chen, Fanghua Lin, Jinrun Chen, Jiangsheng You, Lizheng Tao,
choose Jiaozuo, Tianjin friendship,
Another way to buy peace, and research expertise.

he is doing final examination on vector calculus students,
who come from Heilongjiang, Qiqihar, Ulumuqi, Moscow, Tokyo, Austin, El Paso, Knoxville
and who have been majoring in pure or applied math
so that real analysis and complex analysis parallel
and number theory pops like shooting stars.

Christopher Kerry Scott Sophie Johnson said...

Postcards from Panama and Somalia
Christopher Kerry Scott Sophie Johnson

lost in unexpected dreams,
Michael Jordan writes Hines poems,
Famed by Chicago Sun Times,
Phil Jackson enjoys confidence conferences.
A freshman project at Panama,
Sending McCormick talents to meet Umma Obama,
A Ph. D application from Somalia,
Making John Holt and Sasha Chitwood dance Australia.

Thank you letters,
Yu He, Quansen Jiu, and Christopher Johnsen,
Benny Evans, Burns Hargis, and Robert Myers.

Leigha Layton greets Jerry Brown,
Sam Stewalt befriends with Bob Young,
Friendly circles,
Peacock Babcock baseball battles.

mixed salads,
fruits plates,
forever nutrition,
excellent balance.

Gregory Allen McClurg said...

Peace Prayer by Gregory Allen McClurg
posted by Willa Sally Padgett

Leafy turtle green aviary tapestries
lotus bowing mantis branches
hovering meditative hugs
pherochimerical language
spoken by the wind
cloud melting mental magic

cool cavernous catalpa shade
songs soaking in the sun
high life, taking it easy
catching lightning bugs
chasing fireflies

time running marathon distances
every moment measured in palpitations
old familiar blue, never the same as it was yesterday
one with the world, together in a state of constant change,

life nestles in a womb of love
creation continuously giving birth to itself
beneath the sun moon and stars
breathing bodies and beating hearts
thoughts unwind all is calm in the mind

peace, a piece of which, be all any noble
being ever aspires to obtain
Inner Outer Worldly Universal Mind Body Soul
peace in life, peace in death,

peace in the work of waking hours
peace in sleep, peace at rest,
peace in nature, peace at home

peace on the streets, peace on the farm,
peace between brothers, peace with god,
peace with self, peace with what's beyond control
peace in love, peace in light

Goce Trajcevski Schapiro said...

I wish you peace by Goce Trajcevski Schapiro
posted by Jennifer Edward Holm

You will ever need your peace
It's what will give your life ease
Then a life with it gets a good treat
It has value nothing dares to beat
To me, He whispers sweet peace
It brings my soul a great ease
Many people are seeking for riches
As it can put food in those dishes
It can settle some of your wishes
It can put clothes on your back
It can bring you fame in a big stock
But this it seemed to have lacked
Since it made some people blocked
The beauty of having sweet peace
To me, He whispers sweet peace
And my soul finds a great ease
There is peace in Christ for all
He will give to those they'll call....
It's better than silver and gold
So, whether you are young or old
Your soul will need to be at ease
Then seek the PRINCE of PEACE
To me, He whispers sweet peace
And my soul finds immense peace
I wish you: Peace!

Roxy Eric Buuck said...

A Ticket To London
Roxy Eric Buuck

in her dream,
Yahoo master Marissa surfaces,
She books a ticket to London,
the person who travels is Jerry Yang,
Stalkers won't agree,
that's why Jerry Yang doubts
and he chooses a flight to Princeton,
then he is forced into another one to Sydney, Australia.
Because there is always disagreements,
No trip is made, no Rome, London, Paris arrivals,
Jerry refuses to travel oversea
and he decides to stay at USA.
Here, individual freedom is interfered,
Here, personal agenda is made public,
Marissa and Jerry try to discover peace,
while San Francisco airport security guard and medical aids
struggle to agree with their plans.
Good people as they are,
we wish the best living options for them so far,
it occurs that Marissa and Jerry are very cool before and after all,
According to Larry Reed, Jane Robertson, Marc Brown, and Sarah Neely.

Bill Frantz Nye said...

Garth Williams illustrates Little House Books for Laura Ingalls Wilder
Bill Frantz Nye

there is a worldwar III going on,
Not far away,
Where Indian soldiers tries to eat pastas
while Chinese aircrafts' save some wounded prey.

Oh, how everyone holds their breath,
when language barriers cause hateful death,
oh, how honolulu police officers face
challenges as German, Italian ladies show their human grace.

if landed safely,
then carry embrace, guilt, and their tolerance,
if treated ham and eggs,
then bow your head and say thanks.

Lindall Walter Herbst said...

Peace comes only if...
Lindall Walter Herbst

Peace never comes
The way you want
Peace comes only
Within you
If there is no desire
Within you
Peace comes only
If your movement is free
Free from attachment
Peace comes only
If your are not
Peace comes
Peace comes.

Sylvia Sandra Chidi said...

Peace, peace, peace
Sylvia Sandra Chidi

Bring it on
Peace, peace
You do no wrong
Peace, peace, peace
You are strong

Stronger then hatred
Stronger than fear
Stronger than the dark powers
of a troubled mind

Stay with me
Peace, peace
Flee not, try to be kind
Peace, peace, peace
Why hath thou so tough to find?

Michelle Ivana Yunaska Theilfing Obama said...

Larry Tomlinson Nguyen Bridge (world peace business act year number 4)
Helen Michelle Alan Menino Obama

Kirk, Freeman, Thomas, Vinco, Perkins, Hays,
Delicious Williams food trays,
Tyron, Guthrie, Coyle, Carney, Berry, Bethany,
awesome Yayas Place country kitchen pancakes.

Addies place of Conoco hears Sheng Cheng,
Iowa nation listens to Lucy Dallas,
Cindy and Jennifer order Lincoln County News,
Angela, Kim, Kari, Talon, Elizabeth, and Sam read Perkins Journal.

An escape to the Greenland,
A way to cross the magpie gap,
Larry Tomlinson Nguyen bridge,
Sheryl Jobs speaks of cuckoo bird language.

when the world goes messy,
we seek peace by looking at beautiful waters,
when the stress piles mountain high,
we dare to fly and broaden our vision worldwide.

peace is our ideals,
peace is love,
peace is our inner desires,
peace is tolerance.

Anonymous said...

From Black to Bright Blue
Alison Sandberg Jason Pritchard Clinton

orange pride,
branding success worldwide,
math and science computing,
osu graduates scores high in
computer software problem solving.

Chris Hinchey,
Jones Hinchey,
Matt Bartley,
smart guys generate Alpha PC program company.
no way few shall stop people from enjoying freelancing.

rebecca storm,
curt wallance,
benji devinney,
bill manson,
kind heart wins Cindy Barlow.

an orangeade bottle,
a ten dollar bill,
a Freddie Paul lunch buffet,
a Heather Ryan biscuit fill,
these sum up tons of Dell Apple Computer Willow.

Sasha Julia Pybus said...

Peace and Conflict Contrasting lines
Sasha Julia Pybus

Peace is laughter like a musical bell,
Conflict is people crying,
Peace is everything being well,
Conflict is people dieing,
Peace is a very wonderful thing,
Conflict can be used t pursue peace,
Peace is a sound that makes you sing,
Conflict is the least luxurious thing,
Peace is sought after
And sometimes found,
Conflit is punishment,
Paying the price,
Peace is being on safe ground,
Conflict makes people with heart of ice,
Peace you find in your heart,
Conflict tears our minds apart,
So remember these words and you'll live well,
Peace is laughter like a musical bell...

Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz said...

The Poet Says
Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz

A poem is a part of me-
A part of me you do not see
You see my head
You see my hind
But you can't see what's in my mind
So I must write that part of me
The part of me you cannot see
I take some paper,
A pencil, or pen
To write what's in my mind and then...
You have a poem
To read and...see!
I've given you
A part of me

Braxton Kirby said...

Ray Smith & Steve Mathis and Their Peaceful Mind
Braxton Kirby

when it comes to inner peace,
Schools play a major role of course,
Check out Wellston High and Gordon Cooper tech,
Also take a look at Stroud High school honor roll of 2015.
As Ray Smith and Steve Mathis insured,
or Dave Spiva and Liz Golliver write,
Church, School, Education, Sports does appear helpful,
A wedding between Shelby Lynne Mattheyer
and Bryan Jeffrey Goodnight also does wonders.

David Ball does his share by supporting Justice,
Inspiration Hill promotes peace by Gospel concert,
Dana, Jean, Loeber, Mathis, Ronnie, Kevin finds peace in their own newspaper,
Alicia, Alaina, Brittany, Jesse, Colton, Jason, Scott, Ed, Taylor, Caleb, Jaycee, Wade,
and O'Neil wins peace by their innocent smiles as Salutatoriants.

We continue to find Chandler to adore--
because Taylor Swift, Taylor Brownlee, Meredith Hamilton, Metta Burgess,
Tracy Maria Avers, Andy Johnson, Lynita Johnson, and Brent Brownlee have been
ranked top four in senior high school.

Kristian Michael Hammond said...

Enemies of Peace
Kristian Michael Hammond

Enemies of the peace
Are not consecrating the life
Tampering with the nature
Crucifying the childhood
On the sidewalks
Burying the chastity
In the brothels
Killing the light
Before coming the dark

Enemies of the peace
Adoring the wars
Kissing the poverty
Dreaming with the famines
Clapping for catastrophes
Destroying everything
Synagogues Churches

Enemies of the peace
They want to uproot feelings
To extinguish the flaming longing
In the hearts
And burn the growing yearning
In depths of humans

Enemies of the peace
Robbing the dreams
Jailing the tears
Deforming the colors
Crushing the flowers
Turning off the hope

Enemies of the peace
Not knowing the love
Not appreciating the values
Not believing in the peace

but we must take peace in us,
and make peace with ease.

Lora Dunetz Why said...

What Is A Book?
Lora Dunetz Why

A book is pages, pictures, and words;
A book is animals, people, and birds.

A book is stories of queens and kings,
Poems and songs - so many things!

Curled in a corner where I can hide,
With a book I can journey far and wide.

Though it's only paper from end to end,
A book is a very special friend.

Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...

OSSM Executive Management Briefing
http://summerrainromances.blogspot.com/2015/04/ossm-executive-management-briefing.htmlPat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton

Lost at Pearl Harbor,
Miseed Panhandle Oil and Gas, Inc. Meeting,
Glad to join David Brooks newshour.
After New York Times Headlines,
Moira Forbes smiles at Steve Wozniak,
Apple and Macintosh toss yummy computers.
Quail Greek Bank,
HoganTaylor, Cole & Reed, PC.
Frankfurt short Bruza Associates.
Thanks, Tom Brokaw,
Tony Blair, Ben Stein, Chuck Watson, Herman Cain,
World leaders discuss media business.
Ossm school,
long beans, bokchoy, and spicy tofu,
wonderful dinner and fried meatballs,
potato chips and tomato kechups.

Maji Nozelar said...

Mary Fallin
Maji Nozelar

a woman,
a mother,
a republican,
a feminist who influences Oklahoma.

she is tough,
she is brave,
she promotes art and family values,
she faces challenges while supporting blues clues.

she is white,
she wears no glass,
she is blonde,
she makes no fuss.

she bears Michelle Obama from Texas,
she appears aggressive, fair,
She meets Laura Bush at Montana,
she is Mary Fallin, a famous lady here.

Marie Fischer & Cyril Robert said...

The May Queen
Marie Fischer & Cyril Robert

She wears sunlight in her hair
And violets in her eyes
And her cheeks are the petals of a rose.
She bears Love on her arm
And lilies are her feet,
And they carry Life wherever she goes.
There are graces on her lips
And rainbows on her robes
And her wreath is the coronet of May.
She is Fairy Queen of earth-
The wand at her heart
Is a Bud from the Triune Bouquet.
She is Mother, Queen, and Maid,
And God is her Child,
And her Courts are the meadows where They play
And her Courts
Forever and for aye.
She is Mary full of grace.
She is Queen of Eternal May.

Aya Ziegler Kyxeyha said...

Peace at Christmas Eve By Chris Owen Riesbeck
Posted by Aya Ziegler Kyxeyha

Peace in the snowy breast,
O cloud from storm at rest!
Peace in the winds that sleep
Upon the deep.

Peace in the starry height:
Peace infinite,
Through all the worlds that move
Within His love.

O! all sad hearts, that be
On land or on the sea,
God’s peace with you rest light
This Christmas night!

And with the souls that stand
In that dear land
Where pain and all tears cease,
Most perfect peace!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Sheng Lang!
Lexi Willow

The mother carries a worrying heart
when her child has gone sailing ships,
The child starts to reevaluate his childhood
behaviors after he becomes a parent,
Gaps and misunderstanding always exist,
But every parent loves their offspring,
Giving greetings on remarkable events
is a way to say ‘I Love You’,
Happy 22nd Birthday, Dear Sheng Wolf!

Nicole Baker said...

What Is Peace By Joshua Edward Grife
Posted by Nicole Baker

What is Peace? Do you know?
Peace is the falling of the Snow.
What is Peace? Can you see?
Peace is the buzzing of the Bee.
What is Peace? Can you tell?
Peace is the water filled well.
What is Peace? Does it pass?
Peace is the growing of the grass.
What is Peace? Can you explain?
Peace is the falling of the rain.

~Dorothy Brown Thompson~ said...

Memorial Day Poem: Unlearned Lesson
Dorothy Brown Thompson

Memorial Day
Of every year
The little valiant
Flags appear
On every fallen
Soldier’s grave–
Symbol of what
Each died to save.
And we who see
And still have breath–
Are we no wiser
For their death?

Mary Bruce Leopold Holm Reed said...

Michelle's Valentine
Mary Bruce Leopold Holm Reed

A princeton university colleague,
Michelle’s Valentine is David Cordovacue Bar.

A Harvard Law School Talents,
David impresses Michelle and feels excellent.

Upon becomes a proud parent to Mahalia Ann and Natasha Saxia,
Mish and David progess well and obtain wisdom and skyline Atlanta.

Forever sweetheart,
the perfect romantic star.

Together they promote John, Cora, Celeste, and France,
and send love to Fleming, Henry, and Eduardo of Paris.

Larry Jason Hartline said...

Larry Jason Hartline

is not the imperfection -finder
of the world. Peace
is the error -mender
of the world.
is the dream -beauty
of ancient dawns.
is the vision-dream-choice
of modern noons. Peace
Silences the nightmares of the mind.
feeds the dreams of the heart

Marissa Biden Sergey Christina Murphy said...

Clark Kensington At ACE (the peace you find at your weekly merchandisers words)
Marissa Biden Sergey Christina Murphy

a shop is a stop
that satisfies people,
At ACE store,
Mother's day sales bloom all over the floor.

Cushioned Wicker Rocker,
a hot buy,
9-Pattern hose nozzle,
a special purchase.

Weed Block Landscape Fabric,
a token for Yardwork perfection,
Green Turf or Scotts Turf Builder Seed mix bags,
A quality quarter to lawn satisfaction.

Clark Kensington,
Cutting-edge savings are endless at ACE hardware workyard.

a flyer is impressive
when the planner is smart and creative,
may not shop there, but reading an art of merchandisers
is truly pleasant and obtains momentary peace.

Uzma Steward Nadeem said...

What is Peace?
Uzma Steward Nadeem

What is peace? ?

Peace is when you care for others,
Peace is when there is no violence in the world,
Peace is much more powerful then evil,
Peace is easily found when you give others what you desire,
Peace is the answer to all the wars in the world,
Peace is when there is unity among all the people,
Peace is when your soul can rest,
Peace is when there is hope of good above,
Peace is when there is love for others,
Peace is when there is acceptance in the world,
Peace is bringing joy to the world,
Peace is in helping others

This is what Peace is,
This and much more!

Aleksandar Pardo Kuzmanovic said...

Aleksandar Pardo Kuzmanovic

where the altar of love is
your love is peace
your love is peace
ah! i have seen the tempo of your love
your love is peace
your love is peace
ocean of passion
passion as mansion
oprah where the altar of your love is
your love is peace

Vadim Apley Backman said...

mother's Day by Vadim Apley Backman
Debora Burke Willis

Mothers Day

A Mother loves right from the start.
She holds her baby close to her heart.
The bond that grows will never falter.
Her love is so strong it will never alter.
A Mother gives never ending Love.
She never feels that she has given enough.
For you she will always do her best.
Constantly working, there's no time to rest.
A Mother is there when things go wrong.
A hug and a kiss to help us along.
Always there when we need her near.
Gently wipes our eyes when we shed a tear.
So on this day shower your Mother with Love.
Gifts and presents are nice but that is not enough.
Give your Mother a day to have some peace of mind.
Be gentle, be good, be helpful, be kind.
Happy Mothers Day.

Eleaine Sarah Thomas Jobs Bush said...

Valden, Hinz, and Harthorns (world peace business act year number 4)
Sarah Thomas Jobs Eleanor Bush

as evening shadows falls,
and mosquitoes bump against the white washed wall,
Walt Owen stays awake,
Valden Lee remains great.

Iowa summer is always hot,
Laura's straw hat is always wide-edged,
when violets grow and people wear few,
Grace will always play hide-and-seek,
free from birds that are caged.

The lake is calm,
Roses dance with sharp thorns,
Hinz Queyras will go horse back riding with Harthorns Pritts,
and Valden will make some lemon-made for Ann Ahebee.

Traveling makes one tired,
a wagon is perfect for a ride,
when wild geese relax,
the family of Henry, Isola, and Fasano always settles for pause.

Wojin Kimberly Eric Jack Schmidly said...

On On Matson or An An Madisen
Wojin Kimberly Eric Jack Schmidly

A week is gone,
Uncle Bo's shop competes
with Matson and Armstrong,
I wonder where is George Dedes.

Recall Duck Lee and VJ Sheetz,
Carl Junior 76 gas is a proud man,
Dylan Castle dines at Ichizen,
I'm lost at Evanston Sherman.

Skyline, Alexandra palm tree,
Square box, Frank Sherrif car,
Google campus, John F. Kennedy bike,
Hamilton Library, Dole, Farrington bar.

On on Matson,
An An Jackson.

Lord Hays Tennyson said...

Peace by Julio Peshkin Ottino
Lord Hays Tennyson

When will you ever, Peace, wild wood-dove, shy wings shut,
Your round me roaming end, and under be my boughs?
When, when, Peace, will you, Peace? I’ll not play hypocrite
To own my heart: I yield you do come sometimes; but
That piecemeal peace is poor peace. What pure peace allows
Alarms of wars, the daunting wars, the death of it?

O surely, raving Peace, my Lord should leave in lieu
Some good! And so he does leave Patience exquisite,
That plumes to Peace thereafter. And when Peace here does house
He comes with work to do, he does not come to coo,
He comes to brood and sit.

Matilda Noelle Kocot said...

Adventures with Books by Author Unknown
Matilda Noelle Kocot

Books are ships that sail the seas
To lands of snow or jungle trees
And I'm the captain bold and free
Who will decide which place we'll see
Come let us sail the magic ship
Books are trains in many lands
Crossing hills or desert sands
And I'm the engineer who guides
The train on its exciting rides. Come, let us ride the magic train
Books are zoos that make a home
For birds and beasts not free to roam
And I'm the keeper of the zoo
I choose the things to show to you
Come, let us visit in a zoo
Books are gardens, fairies, elves
Cowboys and people like ourselves
And I can find with one good look
Just what I want inside a book
Come, let us read! For reading's fun

John Pous Celes said...

World Poetry opting for Peace
John Pous Celes

Peace is what the world needs fast
Peace is required most
Peace can't come by waging wars
Peace is born through great efforts!

Peace can dwell when love prevails
Peace is the driving force
Peace must last forever to
Keep the world love life firstly

Peace is the priceless wealth much sought
Peace must start from homes
Peace must spread through all nations
And fill hearts and minds of men

Peace is one that brings progress
Peace can bridge differences
Peace is made by dialogues
Peace is the key to world's happiness.

Stacy Gloria Rankine said...

Justice Or Peace by Joseph Stair Schofer
posted by Stacy Gloria Rankine

How can be a difference between peace and justice
I never knew there could be a difference
Among these two essential points for survival our world's
I always thought they complete each other
Humanity's world has got destroyed
How can the world bear all these woes
But if ill be asked to choose among those
Justice or the peace
I would choose the peace
Because without peace lives stop surviving
As well as the world
But what's the meaning of justice
It's the difference among our thoughts
Thoughts if neglected lives will be survived
But when the peace deserts our lives
No one will stay alive
So for what is your justice when it will take lives

Asya Oxbow Scholl said...

Funny Words by Asya Oxbow Scholl
Fady Crawford

English has some funny words
They give my mind the jitters
They sound the same to you and me,
But are spelled with different letters.
There's see and sea
Ans be and bee
It's terrible confusing!
There's new and knew
And through and threw.
It's really not amusing!
There's deer and dear
And here and hear.
It's horribly disturbing!
There's there and their
And bare and bear.
It's really most perturbing!

English is a Pain (Pane)
Rain, reign, rein
English is a pain.
Although the words
Sound just alike,
The spelling's not the same.

Bee, be, b
I'd rather climb a tree
Than learn to spell
The same old word,
Not just one way, but three!

Sight, site, cite,
I try with all my might.
No matter which
I finally choose,
It's not the one that's right!

There, their, they're,
Enough to mak you swear.
Too many ways
To write the one sound,
I just don't think it's fair!

To, two, too
So what's a kid to do!
I think I'll go
To live on Mars
And leave this mess with ewe!

Tom Fretz Hirsch said...

broccoli chunks
Tom Fretz Hirsch

the same family,
different outlooks,
let's look at cauliflower,
or stem broccoli.
roots deep in earth,
leafy trees above the surface,
green or white blossoms,
cauliflower and broccoli are vegetables of Greece.
Brady Noble may not agree,
Hidden fiber in greens do produce profit,
Anne Wendy stand near the Bill Gates,
A pasta with broccoli chunks does go great.
Kimberly Glenpool chooses to listen,
She has sent Prince Valden to Northwestern,
The change of daily meals benefit all,
Barack Schmidt give blood to aid Peter Schapiro.

Linda Eugenia Denise Brin Korbetis said...

pride (world peace business act year number 4)
Linda Eugenia Denise Brin Korbetis

nothing confuses me
or anywhere close
not from my hometown
not from my own galaxy of neighbors.
Free like a dove
my thoughts curl like snail
my words vomit
funny, and confident,
and pride fills me
all over my body
head to tose
no scares

Angelina Douglas Mailman said...

Prayer for Peace
Words by Angelina Douglas Mailman
Posted By Samba Seth Spears

Prayer for Peace by Angelina Douglas Mailman

May 6, 2013 by Baylee Zach Layton Flecher Pichette 11 Comments

3 christy fine

Lord, I pray for nothing else
Just “Peace” Lord!
Peace with a dash of happiness
But, only if you please.
Otherwise, Lord I will satisfy
Myself with just peace.
I have no other wish, Lord
Other than your own abundant, enduring peace,
The peace that passe all understanding.
Yes Lord! You knew full well
Where there is understanding
There would be peace.
So, I ask just for your peace
For peace brings with its flow
Contentment, forgiveness
Graciousness, love and happiness.
Once you anoint me with your peace
All else will follow – So
I will only pray that your peace will stay
With me today – each day!

Debbie Kristy Gurtey said...

Debbie Kristy Gurtey

Pretty little goldfish
Never can talk.
All it does is wiggle
When it tries to walk.

One, two, three, four, five,
I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
I let him go again!

Why did I let him go?
Because he bit my finger so.
Which finger did he bite?
The little one on the right.

Baylee Zach Layton Flecher Pichette said...

Matilda Brenton's Christmas
Baylee Zach Layton Flecher Pichette

a photo with santa clause,
a gift for matilda breton’s christmas.

a hug from jill baiten,
a kiss from charlotte susan.

christmas means love,
christmas means embrace.

friendly hello to kelsey, wayne, and sara,
random stare at zita, clare, kim, and angela.

post a red heart at penn square,
stick a pink rose to paul ryan twitter.

order a copy of washington post,
allow keith and tiffany be a math talk host.

matilda breton draws a panda,
he gets ipad and cyanogen cell from samartha.

Thomas Washington said...

Swimming Birds
Thomas Washington

Pacific beach,
Tom, Ben, and Cat walk toward the water,
Rolls of ocean waves,
I sense the shaky and quick pace.

At the edge of glittering place,
Dozens of heads afloat,
I sit on the stone bench,
counting to a few hundreds to measure the time length.

Tom and Ben swim back and forth,
keeping certain distance from the shore,
no restriction on time,
yet I try to focus on their enjoyment.

At far distance,
I spot Sailboats, cargo ships, and
above the blue sea,
I see helicopters, aircraft.

when Tom sits next to me
with a broken toe,
Beneth flies back swiftly,
We turn around, getting a bandage package at ABC store.

Vacation in March at Honolulu of Hawaii,
An adaption of varying location,
Tom and Beneth entertain Cat as swimming birds,
along with many of the other Oahu residents who are dynamic and active.

Aldo Freishtat Kraas said...

Be At Peace
Aldo Freishtat Kraas

Be at peace angels from heaven
Be at peace mother
Be at peace my friends
Be at peace my reverend
Be at peace my God
Be at piece my saints
Be at peace birds
Be at peace Mother Nature
Be at peace sea
Be at peace farmers
Be at peace little baby
Be at peace fisherman
Be at peace moon when you shine at night
Stars be at peace also when you shine at night
Birds be at peace when you fly in the sky during the day

y Bret Subbaraman DANILOWICZ said...

Voice of the Noble
Bret Subbaraman DANILOWICZ

Let us heed to the voice of the noble
No matter however weak and feeble
Deserves to be carried all through the cable
Without keeping the message just on the table!

Voice of the noble cry for peace
Peace, multiplied peace all with ease
Curse of the world should surely cease
Look at the world as one and not in pliable piece!

Voice of peace is sure the soul of wisdom
Choice of the world is to reach God's kingdom
Where love and peace is bound to rule
Where faith and truth is every one's tool!

Voice of the noble seeks the world of peace
Noise of the wicked breeds the world of war
Peace indeed is the nature's choice
Peace indeed is the right man's voice!

Birds and trees sing for peace
Cruel and the wicked stink with strife.
The senseless inflicts war on nature
Least worried about grace of future
Nature revolts with quakes and storms
Millions suffer in pain and grief!

Let us heed to the voice of the noble
No matter however weak and feeble!

Tara Logan Cohen said...

BLESSINGS ARE BIRTHDAYS by Michelle Ramprasad Federle
Posted by Tara Logan Cohen


Blessings are the birthdays
Reminders of God's grace
Showered on the earth's face
Displayed in many ways

Blessings are the birthdays
Wrapped in silk and lace
Generous gift to embrace
In given time and place

Blessings are the birthdays
Soaked in warmth of sun's rays
Marking the moment to trace
In depths of life's beautiful vase

Blessings are the birthdays
folded in the basket of love,
Happy 22th Birthday, Christopher Freshen Wu,
Happy 87th Birthday, Thomas Boone Pickens!

Fatiha Kabena Storm Snyder Brothers said...

Not Just for Google's Sake
Fatiha Kabena Storm Snyder Brothers

Not just for Google's sake,
Never mind the noise from the cuckoo clock,
Forget about the pain from tree branches at black Carl lake,
let a frog croak,
let a princess stay awake,
let a orchestra note rock,
let a relation wear perfume,
yesterday's lessons are today's inspirations,
tomorrow's glory is today's budding resume,
Lucinda, Susan, and Anne are fair ladies,
Lawrence Larry Page and Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin are inseparable pals...
Barack Obama and Joseph Biden do golf together,
Burns Hargis and Bill Williams Raun play pool table fair.

the music is on,
the bell rings,
world peace march goes all month long, and
laughter is hooked to those who catch the ball at the other side of the town.

Kelly Ping Shant said...

The Wheels Go Round, Round
Kelly Ping Shant

the wheels go round and round
the wheels go round, round,
Zach Taylor ocean kayak boating sits,
Boomer lake water fun.

Quality water service,
Pool spa, Pool Blench, Swimming suits,
North Washington bridge.

China Gate food, poetry film feed,
Old fashioned movies at backchina.com,
HuiSheng Xun, Wen Qin, Huang Mei opera.

Ye Chu Lin or Wild Pig woods,
some writers rise at Beijing JD.com publisher,
Lao She, Yang Suo, Mao Dun, Lu Yao....

John Bartley has been silent for integrity,
Ross Sethman, Richard Miller operates oral business well,
Stillwater, San Jose, tide yet Lucky Calm Placell.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

Sopenly by Victor Osorio
Catie Mead Williams-Handcock Robinson

heard our voice in a memory
Don't know our name, only our face
If I'm going insane, let me visit this place
Being normal is boring
I need to worry and be depressed
It reminds me that I'm human
Hell-kite people will always manifest
In other words, friends will turn and walk
In other words, I will learn to talk
Hearts always change from those u love
But not this Omega boy
Sorry still dont know our name-my love
Sorry that people cant stay the same-
the guy from above
What hurts most is the memories
rather then the 'whats become'
It seems to harm you
Time is very dumb
Time to be alone
Read an empty book
Live in an empty home.

Anonymous said...

Finding My Peace
Words by Thrasyvoulos Memik Pappas
Posted By Stephan Peter Sid Hudson

I got to find my peace so I cut to ease the pain,
Escaping the life I'm living, escaping a life of vain,
Quieting the cries, as my eyes let free its rain,
Body becomes weak and tired, as my strength I try to gain,

I want to find my peace, some peace of any kind,
Needle penetrates my skin, but to the damage I am blind,
So high up off these drugs, so high up in my mind,
Guess I'll just keep on using, until my peace I someday find,

I need to find my peace, so I drink the stress away,
Now so intoxicated, but it's only a temporary state,
I'm in a better place, so I guess it makes it okay,
But I still haven't found my peace, so I'll try another way,

I think I've found my peace, in a place that's rather odd,
No needles, no bleeding, no cutting, just prayer for His approval nod,
I think I've found my peace, and to my better half I'll prod,
Because I know I've found my peace, and I found it with myself and God,

Jackie Foster Collins said...

Pam and Patricia
Jackie Foster Collins

Willard Hall,
Summer education camp is in store,
School age kids from 8-12,
Daily math or language ed fits students, big or small.

Jason cox, Tonya Jones,
Suzie Parson and Pam Brown,
Patricia Jordan and Hongyu Wang,
Lots of friendly mind dances along.

Willie, Uwe, and Katye praise spouse students,
Eric and Edward sets standards for special majors,
Donna and Pam Fry do care about rising issues,
the ourcome of John Steinbrink seems fair.

Richmond Elementary School book fair,
Gay Washington embraces Nozelar Clare,
Segall William and Trevor Amanda are very kind,
God bless Kay Baker and Cathryn Castle's wonderland.

Nick Hejinian Chubbuck said...

Peter Arrington In Burlington
Nick Hejinian Chubbuck

John Biggs is brave,
Peter Arlington is clever.

When John Biggs rides his Jivs bike,
Peter Arlington in Burlington goes on hike.

Kathleen Wilson says hello,
France Cordova plays cello.

Lara Billings orchestras a board,
Mary Ann horn sings a lady gaga song...

Kris Bryant greets baseball fans,
Peter Arlington researches Eugene Gartland.

Tom worries about Sheng,
Victor Carl supports everybody everything.

Margaret Petree and Richard Sias said...

Margaret Petree Hall music with Richard Sias
Diane Bialosky Trigilio

Bass School of Music,
Mark Parker, Phil Busey, Robert Spinks, and Tabitha Jackson recital,
The piano screams at Ann Simmons Alspaugh and Charles Koslowske.

An ocu menu in hand,
Lalo Schifrin competes with Aaron Copland,
Chuck Reed and James Hartsuck sing Oculus Woodwind.

New Orleans arts,
David Baker, Robert Hasty, Craig Knutson, and Ante Grgin have gone walnuts,
because Wanda Bass, Ken McKinney, Herman Meinders rocks.

Hearing Morton Schapiro, Scott Cleaners, and Jan Henry roar,
the entire universe shakes
along with Mark Edward Parker, Joseph Phillips, and Mimi Schapiro,
Bank of America dances Chicago marathon.

Anonymous said...

Walmart Photo Center
Marcie Barack Lankford Ramsey Constantin

Sam Walton, Walmarts in Town,
Walt Disney, Movie Braxton.

Vacation snapshots,
152 pictures within 10 days.

4 by 6 inches fuji film paper,
$0.29 each, no price is better.

almost two hours printing time,
Nyra, Shane, Dante, and Briano prime.

Memories flash,
Google, Sony, Microsoft, Stan, Jibe, Honolulu, Yoshka...

Pearl Harbor, Diamond Head,
Pacific Beach, u of Hawaii Hamilton Yates.

Alamo, Nimitz, Hertz, Park Plus, and Advantage rental car,
Chan's, Crouching Tiger, Sheng's, and On On movie stars...

Jillian White Carr said...

when there is peace and love within...by Amelia Josie Leonard
posted by Jillian White Carr
recommended by Zach and Cody

When love spills out of the heart, peace rushes in , where there's
peace, and love within! When confronting another individual with
peace, then love return, when there's peace, and love within! When
peace is lived love rushes within tenfold; when there's peace and
love, within! There for went servicing another in time of needs;
then love and peace is restored tenfold; when there's peace, and
love within! To reflect ones on moral standard give rise to self
esteem, and motivation to those whom watches he's day to day
routine, when there' peace and love within! However, when
peace and love is point in the same direction, obstacle fall as peace
paves a widen path for love to travel upon to service other in time
need, When There's peace, and Love Within!

Manijeh Razeghi Memik said...

Peace By Chance
Manijeh Razeghi Memik

Good people, superior will be the world if there is Peace
Generations love to live in a place if there is Peace

A Country could serve people abundantly where there is Peace
Country people have to sacrifice if they want the flowers of Peace

We have the ability to maintain the stability of Peace
But why do people find instability of Peace

So many questions arouse about the topic Peace…!
It is not the Peace to blame; but we are hopeless that we have created a hesitant about Peace…!

An atmosphere of suspicion has been created to destroy Peace
To bring allegiance and loyalty to our heartless hearts is only Peace

People are parting Peace and do not want it to be a part of our life?
Because people are uproar and do not want it to be a part of our life!

Why our goals have been complicated and hard to achieve?
Because we always ignore and do not following the noble example of Peace!

Oh Allah! Forgive our sins and flourish the flowers of Peace…!
We are offenders and do not know the great importance of Peace…!

Anonymous said...

Rianna from Glendale, California (world peace action business year number4 )
Rachel Gloria Mayer Walsh Schapiro

there is always someone lurking in the dark,
there is always someone disagreeing in the media,
individual freedom serves Paula, Wayne, Cathy, Wilks, Burk, and Dan well,
Words of warning ring through
Rianna Mehr and Jeaneen Naifeh from Glendale, California.

Richard, Ross, Mutz, O'Donnell, Edson, Jordan, Bruce, Shepard, Yoeckel know it all,
so do G-man, Seth, Larry, Jian, and Monkey-man,
Andrea Veigh and Lisa Storm play games fine,
George Vuvuzela and Yo Yo Ma prefers Cello and cups of grape wine.

We watch Martha Stewart and Alanna Kellogg
St Louis, Missouri for Fancy cooking,
We read Redbook, Consumer Reports, Money, Reader's Digest magazine for peaceful living,
Amy Tan, Mitt Romney, Thomas Perez, amd Julio Guiano writes books for relational peace,
Iris Chang, Annapolis Montuwa, Pat Mather Brown Gordon-ceton, Joe Ma, and Kelly Bingham go for instant poetic grace.

Praise poets who continue write for passion, occasion, and nitrition,
Amber Sonksen, Joy Lansana, Paolo Cruz, Dawn Northrop, Rick Judson, Emily Barot,
Mary-Kate Ho, Morton Knox, Robin Fallin, Carol Chitwood, Amy Sandberg, Mo Yan,
George Myles, Vincent Stiles, Dan Zeller, Alissa Cohan, Frank Huang, Edward Lee,
Suri Sherlock, Larry Wojahn, Akiko Pankey, Kimiko Noble, John Clinton, Peter Markes..

Gaylord Sam Hahn said...

J & J Donuts
Gaylord Sam Hahn

Two rings,
One bracelet,
Three sweet donuts.

Church's chicken drumsticks,
Edmond Shell and guthrie Prime oil,
Spicy lunch meal.

Barnyard Benders from Gaylord-Pickens museum,
A yellow long-necked duck and a grey home t-shirt,
the curious scott jackson, Eric Garcia, and scott leming.

Sheridan Peter Lasky said...

Crossroads by Evan Skora Messersmith
posted by Sheridan Peter Lasky

You and I,
Me and you,
Standing at crossroads,
Looking beyond.

Together we walk
Together we run
Together we fight,
Together we live.

Hiding beneath each other
Lost in submission,
Out of the woods we find one another,
Our normal disposition.

Our roads cross
Diverge in the middle,
You and I are across,
Solving each our riddle.

We walk together
We run together
We fight together,
We live together.

You and I,
Me and you,
Standing at crossroads,
Looking together.

Anne Luis Brown said...

Read to Me (to find peace)
posted by Anne Luis Brown

Read to me

Read to me riddles and read to me rhymes
Read to me stories of magical times
Read to me tales about castles and kings
Read to me stories of fabulous things
Read to me pirates and read to me knights
Read to me dragons and dragon-book fights
Read to me spaceships and cowboys and then
When you are finished- please read them again.


A Book Speaks

When you drop me on the floor
I get stepped on - my sides are sore;
Torn-out pages make me groan;
I feel dizzy if I'm thrown;
Every mark and every stain
On my covers gives me pain;
Please don't bend me, if you do
I don't want to talk to you;
But we will both be friends together,
If you protect me from the weather
And keep me clean so that I look
A tidy, neat and happy book.

Alex Julie Schultz said...

PEACE THY SOURCE! by Matt Subbaraman David Dunphy
posted by Alex Julie Schultz

Peace is the law of nature
When that law is broken
Peace loses its stature
Society's limbs so swollen
Peace! Where is thy source?
From me wnd within me of course
World to take to recourse
To improve quality of human resource!

Love and peace beginning or end
Peace, the mother of plenty
Man needs to comprehend
Means to peace that ends in prosperity!

Peace is the frame of mind
Peace dwells in heart
Peace blossoms from the mind
Peace from every one to start!

Peace in society myth or reality
In our scheme may the theme be a specialty
Build up peace with all sincerity
Spread the fragrance in all our fraternity!

Matt Subbaraman David Dunphy

Timothy Grant Nunes said...

Pruning The Tree by Timothy Grant Nunes
posted by Billy Sandra Wilcox

Pine branch pruned
sticky scent
My back is bowed
as the trunk is bent
We lean together
You and me ewe
We reach together
stretch to blue
dead branch cleared
lets in light
disperse tension
gravity fight
We lean together
You and me ewe
We reach together
stretch to blue
It's a futile strain
we'll both fall to dirt
ah! meantime
it doesn't hurt
to know
We lean together
you and me ewe
We stretch together
reach for blue

Anonymous said...

O'Neil's Grandpa's Fry
Matt Jerry OffenSend Kivatinos Nusimow

oh, he was curious, oh, he was curious,
and he didn't mean to hurt.

Reece has fun picking wild flowers,
Lily is comfortable sitting in a baby stroller,
Trenton runs fast at youth football league,
O'Neil remembers tom's mom's seaweed,
Grace is lucky to live at Paris,
and Sydney breaks a record on Disney car racing...

Oh, jill simba refuses to cry,
oh, jill simba refuses to cry,
and she didn't mean to get upset about O'Neil's grandpa Fry,
wonder, guess, doubts, and thrills float like air,
unless you are steel,
you will always sense despair,
the way you smell the orange peel else where.

oh, he was curious, oh, he was curious,
and he didn't mean to hurt.

Katy Hyam Drew said...

Who Inspires Ted Kooser?
Katy Hyam Drew

a poetic guy,
spending lots of time baking poems,
poems on one's experiences,
poems on every body's dreams and hopes.
Bloomburg review tells all,
David Yezzi adds wall street journal input,
a brew in good cousel,
John Eberhart writes,
A marriage between Ted Kooser and Kansas city star.
San Francisco Chronicle gets deep
when it comes to Ted Kooser's homely poetry repair,
"Stories babbling out of one's narcissistic chats..."
Cynthia Haven has hot take here.
Foreword magazine,
Weekly Standard,
Great Plains Quartely,
North Dakota Quarterly,
Library of Congress,
U of Nebraska Press,
U. S. Poet Laureate board,
Pulitzer Prize award winning committee...

Ji Wan said...

my way, my say...by Mark Sawyer
posted by Ji Wan

ady fish,
lad fish,
adult fish,
child fish,
silver fish,
gold fish,
water in a tank,
indoor pond and piggy bank.
one insturment,
two instruments,
big cello,
small violin,
oyo principle chair,
Fayeteville viola mall,
kum & go band,
Jicama and cucumber salad bowl grand.
the stars go bright,
let's applaud folks below to make things right,
megan reasner,
daniel douthitt,
emma willhoite,
seth longstreth,
samathar jiwa murphy,
corey williamson,
baylie mophail,
grace lu,
barnard hunter,
ciana higgs,
cole eicheberger,
zach mcLaughlin,
Morgan Tanner,
Overton Arielle,
Benji Wojin,
Sheng Wu,
Jerry Brown,
Christopher Clark,
Chuck Reed,
Jaymie Thorne,
Cleo Craig

Noline Brown Tidale said...

Peace And Unity by Noline Brown Tidale
posted by Ken Latisha Brasfield

Peace O peace let it be, let it be,
among Islands near and far,
with color and creed no bar
by working together in unity.

Peace O peace let it be, let it be,
and to south East Asia show,
how our friendship can grow
by working together in unity.

Peace O peace let it be, let it be,
with people of the Pacific Ocean,
all keeping peace in motion
by working together in unity.

Christiane Goldrick Rey said...

Peace Is What Remains
Christiane Goldrick Rey

Peace is what remains
After the warriors are exhausted:
Therefore peace is born in flames and fumes?
Amidst torn bodies?
Amidst an arm here, a foot there?
Is that the genesis of Peace?

Our rationality, the ship of our rationality
Can travel green tempests.
It fails yet oftentimes
To course on the flat sea-breast

We humans are forced to Peace
And therefore say that we love Peace:
We love what we are forced to
Or because
Our biology so dictates:
For when biology dictates the fumes of war
Very little rationality remains
In the time-glass of the brain

And Peace becomes a wish, a sigh, a word.

Sadiqullah Khan Ashbery said...

Peace for Me
Sadiqullah Khan Ashbery

I want peace
Peace in my personal space
At least
Then spreading like perfume
All encompassing
Peace in my head
In my heart
In my demeanor
In my talk
In my eyes
On my tongue
In my hands
My feet
To take me
Where there is no peace
My hands refuse to carry
That gun
I want peace in my feelings
I like the great word
Speak of peace
All prevailing
In nature
And like butterflies
Like bees
For the nectar sweet
Like in a garden
And then spread it
All over me and you
Like honey
In my songs
In my lyrics
And at the time
Of my return
Cloth me in white
The color of peace

John Igor Mattawa said...

Peace and Enemies by Elizabeth Padillo Szybist
posted by John Igor Mattawa

Peace, peace, peace!
We cry for peace
And we think that
by killing our enemies
peace can be achieved.

But peace can never
dwell in our midst
by killing our enemies.

For as many are killed
as many are the thousands
of the silent ones
who will rise up
to avenge these deaths!

There is never peace
in the cycle of revenge and hate.

Benji Brin Wojin said...

Hope by Benji Brin Wojin
Stacy Morris Twohill Sullivan

Never go cruel, use your wit,
Hope is a better option than quit.

Forgiveness is hard to come by,
Flip flop flap, see the daylight.

Romance with the Moon,
Apply both forks and spoon.

A foe is the scar on your toe,
A cure is the hot-dogs at petting zoo.

Record motto and essays from Maya Angelou,
Climb uphill, and face the roaring wind.

Stan Boren Quist Barton said...

A Final Four Fight At Syracuse, New York City
Stan Boren Quist Barton

Berry Tramel concludes:
Sooners has false start against Spartans on Basket ball games,
Not so good luck falls to TaShawn Thomas, Mike Miller,
Ryan Aber adds insights then, via
Buddy Hield, Marvin clark, Macy Stokes, and Matt Costell…

A basketball competition is played,
Judges and coaches are convinced,
Sponsors are highlighted,
NBC commentary stars are paid.

Top four is still good,
Once all understood,
We give those moments praises,
everyone shall smile like spring roses.

Think of Michigan Lake,
We honor Fran Fraschilla, Jeff Capel, Jordan Woodard, Colton Swim, Fran Gragg, Tally Rao,
Travis Trice, Larry Krystowiak, Mark Few, Tom Izzo, Lyndsey Speer, Bryan Goodman, James Fraschilla, Misty Stitt,
as the Most fantastic basketball players,
and wish them Victory
and productive future…
Life is great…

Jacob Ausman Rolseth Parlet said...

The Duff by anjum wasim dar Charmz
posted by Jacob Ausman Rolseth Parlet

life is tough
when you lose your peer friends
life is duff
when you choose rumor and rudeness.

the duff is a sweet tease
to those who carries heavy weight,
no duff is a bad being
confidence is everything.

Biana maybe a duff,
Madison maybe a fairy homecoming Queen,
But Toby likes Biana,
and Wesley chooses Biana.

The Duff—A movie,
The Duff—A story,
Lucinda, Hilary, and Anne may disagree,
I bet they do love that duuffy fluufy stuff.

Bailey Fricke Luke Fry Schmidt said...

Bailey Fricke Luke Fry Schmidt

biases seem true, not common—
upon confirming, very misleading,
academics seem tough, not tolerating—
although revealing, but convincing,
there is nothing as tough as science,
and nothing as royal as regulations.
we measure things with extra tools,
we shall not wave our flags to birds only,
David Boren may not agree with Burns Hargis,
Jill Biden may not dance with Joe Biden.
But modesty shrinks distance in between,
core value could be something relieving one’s growing pain.

Abbey Parkwood Yamazaki said...

reflections of our behavior
Abbey Parkwood Yamazaki

our behaviors are reflections of mirrors,
when you smile at one,
it smiles back,
purity and facts do toss nuggets of faith to your sack.

Off samples, not roasted steaks,
develop skills, not empty promises,
how we view others
does impact how others react on us

be a valentine,
and fasten your seat-belt,
a tag of friendship
leads to a soft wave on a lost soul’s face.

the sun does cast shadows,
the light does block darkness,
only if we value both doors and windows,
then we can rest at night and revive at morning sudaze.

Laynie Gosney Crescent Blecha said...

Laynie Gosney Crescent Blecha Wells

Westwood Elementary School,
Mrs. Noftsger’s first grade class,
A book of King Wendy sweetness,
Hello, Mrs. Karen Burr in Sunglass.

2004-2005 is a year of thrills,
Mrs. Andrew, Mrs. Moses, Mrs. Gwin, Mrs. Wood,
Classmates are playmates,
Maya, Dillon, Derin, Chaynie, Julie, Abbey, Christian,
Chase, Shakun, Maura, Tracy, Rob, Cara, Gena, Dawn, Diego, Amy.
Well, Kidisf is cute,
Benjamin is kind,
Macgregor is smart,
Audry, Sheng, Zachary, and James are grand.
Tom, Neel, Chris,and Trenton have fun learning,
Students paddle their lessons like a voyager,
Benji and Larry are smart in thinking,
Friends of Austin gather to pass talents and feel no stranger.

Denise Scott Thrailkill Molly Jackson said...

peace, love, and war
Denise Scott Thrailkill Molly Jackson

peace without war is love
war with love is peace
love without peace is war
can we noy speak
of the way love
is war and
war is love
without war we would not need peace
so the three cannot
exists without eachother
just like life
love-is friends and family
war-is emiems and foes
peace-is within yourself
people think peace and love
but without war there can not be thee
for thee is all three

RHEY Watson HEDGES said...

April Fool by RHEY Watson HEDGES
posted by Sandy Curtis Upton LaRocca


April’s Fool day
Preceded her
April Fool’s day
by just one “fool”;

That day before
I had a Life,
the next day
I had a wife;

As April’s Fool
on April One
I said we do
and thus began
the fun.

Smiling impatiently
The Fools of April One,
‘SHE’ and ‘ME’
Became a
‘WE’ …

April Fool …
I’m a she, not a he!

Emily Trajcevski Mangelsdorf Christensen Cohen said...

Emily Trajcevski Mangelsdorf Christensen Cohen

Fling with nue-evening,
Cocktail at Rocklahema Sambing,
Walk into the Ratockemishe Goatamose’s spring-Thing,
Carry a Burack Boston rosemary chin.

Barock Cheyenne to see an ox’s den,
Springdale rainbow to Ropel’s gel pen,
Do a flute solo at Mozart Bach string,
Let the rain wash away Terrance Indan’s frosted fing.

Play the music of Ding ding Ping,
do some functional mathing at AbeTomoshing,
Shrink fat into singing paints,
Honor the poeple of Hings, Zings, Gings, Kings, Mings, Nings, Qings, Rings,
Gings, Wings, Goolings, Woobeyings.

Stop Wining,
Stop Faning,
Stop Frowning,
Stop yelling at those Ceilings at Wyomings.

Lesnes Hill Abby Wood said...

Eleanor Murphy and Joseph Park and the story
Lesnes Hill Abbey Wood

leanor Murphy is a teenage girl,
who has to spend her summer with her stepfather at Georgia,
while she wonders of the nightmare
she attempts to expel,
she would not expect to encounter her first romance
with Joseph Park from Somahalia.

no plans for hideout,
But things go plain in between,
Eleanor sits next to Joseph
when a thief intends to take her wallet out,
and Joseph quickly prevents a sad event then.

Murphy and Park speak a lot,
after they get off at the same bus stop,
a city near the Yellow Stone Park,
the day is filled with white naughty clouds and chocolate bar shop.

no dating allowed,
no sex permitted,
but the couple finds their way of comfort from crowd,
going fishing or swimming is what they do to feel glad.

no result is cruel,
yet, at least, Eleanor
has stopped resenting her mother
for remarrying another man, who is not her father
About these ads

Heather Thomas Gay Talbott said...

Peace At Last
Heather Thomas Gay Talbott

Once terror reigned
Men postrated at altar
Women knelt seeking peace
Pastors fasted for peace
Imams called for peace
All yerned for elusive peace
Despairs, frustrations, sorrows
Created hollow in our minds
Grenades boomed on the streets
Gunfires scared us from the streets
All hope was lost.
From the the blues
The echo of peace was transmitted
The terrorists are embracing peace

Could it be true or not?
Is a fairy tale or reality?
Suddenly the echos of guns are gone
Warriors are now peace lovers
We now heave for peace
We can shout ‘peace at last’
We are brothers once again
We all now heave for peace

Mish Viola Segal Foster Lempert: said...

Julia Weldon at News Oklahoma dot Com
Mish Viola Segal Foster Lempert

Music is healing,
Orchestra, Jazz, Band are popular program-ING.

A string concert is appealing,
A sign of Bradford pear tree blossom is promising.

Dear Abby Kelley speaks at the Oklahoma newspaper,
David and Molly Boren defends OU at Norman.

Devon tower and Carla Hinton,
Edmond North High School and Chelsea, Bill AND Hillary Clinton.

Julia Weldon, Lisa Storm, and Sheng Wu rises her rank from OK Mozart to OYO,
Quartz Mountain summer arts is one of her mission too,
Pay attention to Buttram String competition,
Cello Fresno Festival and the Sierra Academy of Music in California, cool.

A musician is human,
I’m sure Julia Wright, J. D. Henneberry, Robert Hasty, and Tom Lee feel bright,
and Julie Cohen, Mary Fallin love Photo-cious beef noodles and Edmond,
and Abbey Wood, Tiana Wu, Amelia Wilson, or Richard Yang behave proper at OSSM campus site.

Natasa Mattew Bee Lanners said...

Peace by Piece by Natasa Mattew Bee Lanners
Posted by Randy Coffee Lewis-Hill Rao

We must create peace,
Peace by piece,
Every part by part,
Every heart by heart.

Let us make a start,
Let peace be the art,
Of creating peace within,
Let us now begin.

Time for war is over,
Time for peace is here,
Of hate let’s stand clear,
Let compassion be our spear.

Everything will add up,
Like water filling a cup,
If we change ourselves,
Things will change themselves.

Creating a paradigm shift,
With hope as our catalyst,
Humanity will unite,
Under one banner of light.

Just like the coloured rainbow,
Understands and knows,
It emerges from one light,
One source, one might.

We must unite in humanity,
Leaving behind our insanity,
This vision is not vanity,
It can be our chosen reality.

Your participation is requested,
Your participation is required,
Fill the heart with compassion,
Peace will become a passion.

Let us make a start,
Let peace be the art,
Of creating peace within,
Let us now begin.

We must create peace,
Peace by piece,
Every part by part,
Every heart by heart.

Ruibo Allen Vinciguerra Tinkham said...

Ruibo Allen Vinciguerra Tinkham

when it comes to bakery,
Billy Collins, Paul Finland Ryan, and Kay Baker grin all over,
without having Sheila Why, Vanessa Hudson, Ken Piety, and Karen Baker in town,
We choose Pam Brown, Augustin Middleton, and Samantha Murphy for a dinner mealpawn.

a box of Betty Crocker Vanilla cake mix,
that’s what one needs to a warm cake sweets,
a cup of water, half a cup of Wesson vegetable oil,
plus three whole eggs, what a way to spoil.

Swallow a slice,
It’s super copicious,
the oven is set at 350*,
the time fits for 35 minutes.

Make a call to Jorge, Sandy, Gina, Jennifer, Sabrina, Lopez, and Pumix,
All share some sweet rolls,
Macynn Yuan Patten and Joseph Zealand Shant book a ticket,
Lori, Bible, Jesus, Copan, Reece, Jance, June, and Audie promote Larmar Target.

Saxisha Jenna Gust McCormick Robertson said...

Annie's Mailbox
Saxiansha Jenna Gust McCormick Robertson

by chance,
Princess France sends a mail to Rome,

To our surprise,
Richard and Fae decide to disagree.

Clifford and George come along,
Vernon and Jose join them too,
Kathryn and Tracy draft a song,
James and Joan do some Kung Fu.

With so many friends jolly around,
France hosts a cocktail party,
which makes Amanda, Howard, Maxine feel profound,
and Engler asks Annie to write back,
so that Cora and Martha travel to promote NASA…
Relax, Just like that.

Thelma West Jaco Price said...

what does "Lan Qi Ba Zao" Mean to You?
Thelma West Jaco Price

Lan Qi Ba Zao
means messy, unsettled status,
that’s when seven and eight
carry the same legs of an octopus.

person seven and person eight meet,
they have oyo may concert tickets equally paid,
the sinfonia players stamp their feet,
because Dan Larson and Sam Walton have composed a violin note for Stanley Yan and Vivaid France Pead.

Lan Qi Ba Zao,
Diu San La Si,
Shi Hun Luo Po,
all mean tangled, puzzled, and confused mood.

pause, pin donkey tails, close one’s eyes, wear Woolwich Carl glass to produce peace,
fall asleep, dream big, and shower to pamper poetic and quincy fine arts.

Steve Vossen Frank Davis said...

Famous Peace-Wear In Mountain View
Steve Vossen Frank Davis

Rayna says please,
i say thanks.

shoes protect our feet,
socks make it perfect.

Zack Wise writes for wildcats,
Jay Lewis-Hill couchers for Mathisbrothers.

Asics, Nike shoes fit for May mothers,
a joyful investment at Famous Footwear of Bradford Plaza.

As Aerosoles wins approval for summer-wear,
Indianapolis and Wasilla free verse on Baltimore, Nepal, and Peru peace-wear.

Glad that the day is light,
and Tornado at Texas is over according to Steve Davis and Sherry Wright.

Anonymous said...

x Scrabble Words
Carolina Sebastian Walker Inhofe Martinez

x is an unknown variable,
X scrable words always contain Letter X,
of course: Apex, Ilex, Axe, Fix, Six, Mix, Jinx,
Ox, Fox, Pox, Vox, Max, Cox, Box, Gox,
Fax, Sex, Pax, Lax, Wax, Tax, Ax, Haox, Coax,
Roux, Borax, Relax, Text, Zaxes, Axiom...

when a boxer swings his fists too hard,
It's climax,
when a couple enjoys sex too much,
It's lurex,
when a person works too hard at Jobs,
It's acholax,
when a day goes too dry,
It's dramatix

X has fun when Y comes along,
X is mean when Z stays in,
X is weak when A takes a break,
X is apt when B is adopted,
X is harmful when D is mindless,
X is complete when C expels those who cheat.

Hazel Pocket Cooper Wakoski said...

Hazel Pocket Cooper Wakoski

i disagree that,
it's not on a class roll,
it's not on a shopping list,
it's not on an orchestra stage,
it's not on a basketball court.
i believe that,
stars are manmade,
stars are famous,
stars are sun-burnt,
stars are photo-cious.
before April Fool,
let's star some youth from OK High School:

Mo Jerry,
Ashlee Barr,
Xinxi Wong,
Jinping Xi,
Sheyanne Kneedy,
Dylan Han,
Sierra Gradick,
Matt Adkins,
Levi Dobrinski,
Jeff Ketch,
Kristen Veit,
Paxton Shorow,
Anya Siebert,
Lucinda Page,
Carl Victor Page,
Jian Cao,
Natalie Wise,
Chris Raun,
Jack Ma,
Steve Jobs,
Morton Schapiro

Todd Sheeran Levi Dokota Parnell said...

A Shamrock Farm Traffic Jam Poem
Todd Sheeran Levi Dokota Parnell

Johnson baby lotion,
Reach gentle dentle floss,
Nutri-power brings pantenne shampoo solution,
here comes April shower,
Here sits Jerry Hu and Lily Fowler,
Here pops up Lucy Nguyen's ruch hour,
Digital cameras of Sumsung, Sony, Kenmore, and Canon,
Deleting Sam Sitcom's bathroom break,
A shamrock farm milk traffic jam.

Molly, Bristol, and Julie carry lots of wits,
Richard, Mimi, and Sofina eat lots of fat and nuts,
Todd, Peter, Sarah, and Mary pass lots of Montecello exams.

Otteri Yakich Ahebee Oxigen Ma said...

Eat Healthy
by Otteri Yakich Ahebee Oxigen Ma

On the food...
Condiments is

Making tasty of food...
Healthy is
Dustely waste...

Waste is not
Food is not

Make a food
With out condiments
Eat healthy...!

LSH said...

Hello, JP @ Olive Garden officials, I agree to have my work published in your A Scattered Thought On World Peace Factors and How Inner Peace Mindset Helps Project, along with
Title of your entry, "Look Around You"
Name in which you wish to appear in the book, "Leonora Sophie"
Blog link, "http://leonorasophie.blogspot.co.uk/2011/11/look-around-you.html"
Poem content,

Look around you
Look around you
Change your style
Change your harmful ways
Learn about
The world around
And nature
In its dying days

Humans are firing
The shots
That kill
What you see

Learn and share
Show that you care
By gestures small and grand

There’s so much to do
So much to save
But it will begin if you understand

© Leonora Sophie

Rufus Tuzo Campbell Brown said...

Allen Garcia Arts All the way to Altus, Vernon, Elk city, and Lone Wolf
Rufus Tuzo Campbell Brown

when it comes to arts,
you must think of Mountain Quartz,
that's when Ashenux and Stomarts travel to play cello,
and enjoy more than 300 hundreds of talented artists and quartet.

faculty and board members twinkle at lone wolf,
and The Robert Kerr performing art center rocks with itchy feet:
Lauren Tedford, Julia Wright, Mary Fallin, Julie Cohen, Emily Claude,
Stephaie Currey, Ann Peters, Shana Gibelyou, Jennifer Hilger, Carson Misner,
Maggie Boyett, Steven Fedeler, Barack Hussein, Eine Kleine, Eric Garcia,
Amanda Quist, Allen Tinkham, Mish Robinson, Richard Yang, Chris Wu...

places jump and set bonfire
to celebrate arts of rocklahoma around,
Bethany, Lawton, Hobart, Berry Hill, Enid, Yokon, Hennessy, Burns Flat, Dill, Pearce,
Weatherford, Clinton, Altus, Vernon, Maryville, Elk City, Lubbock, Amarillo,Martha,
Chelsea, Charlotte, Blair, Willow, Duke, Gotebo, Ada, Lawrence, Mangum, Allison, Cushing,
Mountain View, Bessie, Corn, Sony, Sonic, Carnegie, Carney, Perkins, Perry, Stillwater

Dinning, gas or fuel, hotels, and museums are full of beautiful folks,
Quartz mountain resort is packed with talents,
La Quinta Inn, Holiday INn, motel 6, motel 8, motel 10 inn., travel lodge, fairfield inn and suite,
Quality Inn, Ramada Inn, Rodeway Inn, Hampton Inn, Comfort Inn, budget Inn, Days INN,
Red Roof Inn, Duffer Inn, Friendship Inn, Hanna House, Microtel Inn, Best Western Inn,
Chicago O'Heart Inn, Hyatt Regional, Courtyard Inn, Altus Inn, Jianguo Fandian, Ascott hotel

when June sun roasts the land,
we will be ready to haul our son or daughter or friend
so that the trip to Texas, Fayette-ville, Spring dale, San Jose, Dallas, Hong Kong,
Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Macas, Shanghai, Tokyo, Jiaozuo, Beijing, and Sanya is grand.

Ron Lucinda Ellison Gonzales said...

Jill Love, Matt Gonzales, and Minneapolis Sias
Ron Lucinda Ellison Gonzales

in a rush,
we have a crash on technology,
we bump into San Francisco Silicon Valley,
Think of Ron, Sam, Paula, Kim, Alex, Charles, Rufus, Christopher, Edward, Kenneth,
We dodges and avoid OK Judicial center with Veterans,
We fuel at Valera gas at Guthrie,
seeing Alicia, Shae, Thomas, Tuzo, Tom, Jin, and Bob,
all the way we drive to Waterloo Lincoln, Santa Fe, and Kenya,
a turn left leads to Robinson, Google, Celia, August, Sherwood,
passing Able Tech, Buy for Less Food, and Sherpa boots,
we obtain Gulf, Classen, Crescent, Sheridan, Western, Arrowhead,
a lunch meal take out at Amy's Noodle House,
then, Penn Square mall, Jill Love clothing, Matt Gonzales paint, and
United airline and Barclay, or citi credits join in,
On our way to OSSM, I see Abbey, Frank, Diane, Cara, David,
and i also encounter Rebecca Morrison, Sue Dick, Joe Kingery ,
Melissa Shackford,
along Kelley road, skipping Cowboy museum and natural history,
we dine at China King Danforth Edmond,
Fuji apples come in at Sprout food Market,
News Ok 9 Van hits us head to head with a left turn,
no much excitement, but we continue with Bob, Jeff, and Tuzo,
since a calculator is missing at our Honda car,
we drive all the way back very far
to return the testing tool to Samantha,
Homeland Food, Crest Food, Arby's coffee fits us well at East Noble,
A fuel chance comes at Love's and Sias' pizza place,
We keep Ron, Sam, Paula, Chuck, Charles, Rufus, Kimberly, Alex, and Jim in mind,
and hope that Minneapolis and Campbell apartments attract more Larry fans.

Alex Paula Traci Fry said...

Full Moon Festival Phoenix Pop Stars
by Alex Paula Traci Fry
posted by Kate Neal Virginia Ann Hargis

when the Moon is full in August,
it's time to celebrate Harvest Moon and have a family reunion,
that's when Chinese CCTV 1 hosts a gala in Beijing,
which is full of music, tradition, opera, and space dances.

Look at Zhe Zhang, Shenglan Meng, Jian Lu, Bingbing Fan, Jiahong Phya, Dawei Wu,
watch the excellent introduction of Xun Zhou, Amin Mao, Liyuan Peng, Jintao Hu, Jing Luo,
Qing Dong, Ying Na, Wei Wei, Xin Peng, Caifeng Tian, Zhiyi Zhang, Peng Li,Jing Wang,
Yan Gao, Bing Han, Lei Zhang, Hongjun Han, Hongjian Gao, Ming Yao, Peichen Hou,
We believe that Feng Huang Chuan Qi is a classical queen,
Shui Mu Nian Hua musical stars are powerful kings,
not to mention some famous singers such as Teresa Deng, Zhenxiao Gong, Alan Tan, Qi Qin,
Qun Niu, Timi Zhu, Lan Ma, Qiong Wu, Qiong Yao, Gong Feng, Ji Ma, who are popular
as XiangSheng comedy or Huangmei opera figures...

music has common ground
when it appears delightful and fulfilling as a song,
while we think of Marywood, Saint Louis, Nashville, Memphis, Little Rock, Topeka, or San Macs,
Adding Ni Chun, Kun Jiang, Xiaoming Huang, Mi Yang, Hanlin Going, Benshan Zhao,
Yansheng Bai, shalamar Pipen, Vanoy Fitch, Mort Garfield, Arrowhead Sherwood, Casa Edsall,
Xiao Ya, Devin Lea, Alison Schmidt, Kim-Reed-Campbell, Sam Liccardo, Sergey Brin,
the show lasts two hours long,
colorful joy rocks Silicon, Chinatown, San Diego, Houston, Meichou, Hefei, and Honh Kong.

Anonymous said...

by Joanna Chuck Eick Fuchs
posted by Sheryl David Tanya Page Raun

My father is a Christian;
He leads our household well;
With instruction from the Bible,
Right behavior he'll compel.
Yet he steers us with compassion;
His gentle love is true;
He conforms to our Lord Jesus,
So we know just what to do.
He teaches us with purpose,
Guides us in all Godly ways,
So we will take the right path,
And serve our Lord with praise.
I'm glad you're a Christian, Dad;
You help me see things clearly.
I'll always look up to you,
And love you very dearly.

Mike Corinne Rauner duggan said...

FIu at Florida
Mike Corinne Rauner Duggan

A few days ago, Justin mentioned one
of his working buddies at mathematics
from Florida, I accidentally bumped onto
his webpage today, feeling amazed at
the beauty of Florida, and the inspiring
nature of the university- Florida
International University...
ChongSheng Cao,
PhD of Mathematics, 1999.
University of California, Irvine;
Department of Mathematics
Florida International University…
adding Netral, Rohan, Eric, Sophie, Skylar, Alissa, Alan, Bill, Rick, Nathan, and Jamaca..
everything slices up for joyful being.

Judy Baar Topinka Quinn said...

Green mountain Coffee and Aspen Quilting Arts
Judy Baar Topinka Quinn

before mother's Day starts,
a truck driver delivers a flower pot,
that's a sweet sentence from Ashenux Moon,
a passionate memo from Stomusina is entertaining too.

Abbey, Chris, Patrick, Dave, Bruce, Sheilar, Mike, and Rod are visiting,
Shadow, Robert, Ken, Mark, Jack, Megan, Tyrek, James work for yellowrose stop,
David Tjie, Jim Edgar, Nathan Deal, Joseph Quinn, Jerry Yang promote spicy chicken,
dig for strawberries, pear slices, carrots chunks, and New China buffets ...

News France from Jiat, Annio, Morton, Cori, Engler, Henry, and Michael,
from Princeton to Evanston, From Chicago to Austin, and from San Francisco to Honolulu,
I see people walk about Tom Lee, Gina Noble, Jade Wang, Jianying Xu, Li Gong,
Qiming Li, Qun E Feng, Chuanxian Peng, Jinping Xi, and Ran Ma,,,
glad that Burns Hargis, Scott Jackson, Eric Schmidt, David Schmidly, Lawrence Page
remain calm, seeing Pacific beach stay cool.

coffee cups come in big and small,
coffee beans are green plants from Backshell cafe, or Aspen coffee,
recall Charles Wilder and his fiddle,
let's lighten up and play Yuri and Sherri piano solo.

Robert Croce Hinsdale Noyce said...

brothers do need to embrace one another, including tom and sheng
Robert Croce Hinsdale Noyce

Sheng is a goodkid,
Too kind to say No to his friends,
Too brave to be forgotten.

sheng does not have to do anything to win approval,
Simply work on programming,
Simply think about a way to solve pollution under sea.

Sheng does not have to think of sex,
Sheng does not have to give people money,
Sheng does not have to choose anything.

Just listen to ipad music,
Just watch movies, sing a cello tune,
no agreements shall block sheng from being a free fish.

The same applies to Tom, Jack, Richard, Zach, Austin, James, Alex, Kim, Ross, Benji, Jill, Samba, Matilda, Malia, Sasha, Chelsea, Lori, charlotte, Mila, Laura, Jennifer, Chris, Anne, Kate, Amelia, Sophia, Camila,
Megan, Greg, Todd, Bristol, Matt, Rachel, Meet, Jerry, Craig, Stephen, Shawn, Seth, and Tyrek.

Emmett Asch Nordman Wheatfall said...

Awards from Academic Excellence 2015 by David Boren
Emmett Asch Nordman Wheatfall

every year in May,
there is a banquet honoring 100 or more outstanding state educators
and promising high school seniors across the state of Oklahoma..
they either dance at Tulsa crown plaza hotel or reside at Oklahoma city cox communication center.

Education is the key,
David Boren, Lauren Green, Jerry Neil Smith,
Julia Cohen, Brad Henry, and Charles Oppenheim lead the way.

OU Medical school is profound,
OSU Robert Kerr Food and science is excellent,
with John Clinton, Kendric Fergeson, Jason Edward Grife, Eric Garcia, Amy Storm, and Tanya Shaw
give out musical or academic scholarships,
Venessa Drummond, Tammy Moeller, Dow Hughes, Frank Wang, Molly Boren, and Emily Stratton honor Moore fisher elementary school,
and with Cao Nguyen Inc. hands a medal to Ian Jett, Mary Melton, Sarah DeYoung,
Terry Davidson, and Sheng Wu.

the audience falls silent and goes superb.

5 years has past,
the remarks still echo to us and last.

focus on oneself without taboos,
let Kim Henry, Al Gore, Dave Bing, Rod Blagojevich, Bruce Rauner, Barack Obama, Bill Raun,
John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Jeff Bush, Larry Page, and Patric Meziere make random choice.

from Northwestern University, to University of Southern California,
From Vanderbilt University to Brown Universality,
from University of Washington at Seattle to Standford, Princeton, Yale, Harvard...
Silicon valley teaches all lessons for all to understand Mountain Views.

Vivienne Knox Pax Shiloh Zahara said...

Vivienne Knox Pax Shiloh Zahara

Grand thanks to Bill William Raun,
Candi, Bee, Alden, Bret, David, Shida, and Chad Penn,
Charlotte, Laura, Tagg, Mitt, Christopher, and Tom can do lab hours,
when school is out in lat May then.
The research on corn, wheat, rice, soy beans is cool,
the burns, the hays, the cows stand solid,
Field studies help one practical tool,
Burns and Ann Hargis indeed assist Ramsey, Louis, and Perkins to excel.
pink faces in June, or July,
Videos made to make O'Neil, Sam, Rylan, Lisa, Trenton, Dana, Chris, and Semaralu fly,
Molly, Tanya, Ann, Kate, William, Bill, John, Alan, Goce, Julio, and Owen,
a family of cats, skills, and planters cook science projects to fullfill.
bless Tuzo, Richard, Tianna, Julia, Tao, Yuewan, Lily, Tim, Kirby, Sid, and Cindy,
study music, theory of growth daily,
if Neel, Jorge, Iain, Braxton, Mike, Sam, Curt, Tally, Amanda, Tifany, Frank
and Tracy makes contact,
we will join Aaron, Elizabeth, Liz, Todd, Josie, Ruth, Zach,
and Tonya for special concept camp.
Benjamin Lanners has been friendly so,
So does Thomas Lanners and Heather Lanners,
when Philip, Gina, John, Jenna, and Barbabra go oversea to relax,
Saint Chris and Saint James will swim at six Flags open space pool.
Hollywood is hot in movies,
Get to know Toni, Matt, Jerry, Steven, Pax, Carl, Simon, Jonny, Brad, Angela,
Barry, Chip, Jon, Lara, Rice, Clint, Douglas, Rusty, Joe, Mimi, Morty,
research, science, arts, performing acting enterprise, they all rock.

Pamela Ken Connie Bona Drummond said...

Peace by Maria Segura Bassett
posted by Pamela Ken Connie Bona Drummond

Peace in my heart
this is my plea
I wish for a new beginning
with plenty of sunshine
see the dew covering all flowers
be able to hear the birds singing
looking at the new dawn
peace in my home
with the happiness of sharing of duties
to have strength and hope
to face what may come with faith
peace throughout the world
a world without hate, crime, or wars
I pray for peace
peace in my heart
that eternal peace
that is given only through God.

Chip Marley Nouvel Leon Taylor said...

osu from ohio, oregon, and oklahoma
Chip Marley Nouvel Leon Taylor

not so bad,
we do love state universities.
ohio state, oregon state, oklahoma state,
osu and naf both do great.
promoting arts, science, technology is good,
encouraging budding projects sets the world in fantastic mood.
the award winning candidate are many,
we do seek friendship with Germany.
osu, oahu, honolulu, princeton, uw, ossm, uf, ucla, ru, uk,
lots of people projects and
wow, furious 7 movie clips, bilger, then...
let's paste some names here for good intention:
Mary Poats,
Almadana Chtchelkanova,
Jerry Bona,
Peter Constantin,
Lara Campbell,
Eric Schmidt,
Devlin Montfort,
Matthew Klopfstein,
Xiaoliang Jin,
Mi Yang,
Dhabaleswar Panda,
Gloria Page,
Priyank Jaiswal,
Morton Owen,
Hong Zhang,
Hui Su,
Nianyu Wang,
Marcheline Bertrand,
Barry Voight,
Chip Taylor,
Jon Voight,
Clint Eastwood,
Douglas Foster,
Rusty Ryan,
Carl Reiner,
Steven Sodebergh,
Jerry Weintranb,
Matt Damon,
Bradley Brad Pitt,
Angelina Jolie-Pitt
Jiahong Wu,
Tao Li,
Madi Asgari,
Bus Jaco,
Burns Hargis,
Peter Sherwood,
Pam Fry,
Stephan Wilson,
Kendall Murphy,
Xianghong Gong,
Junxian Tian....

Bradley Al Rice Jolie-Pitt said...

Zach's Birthday Party at Austin, Texas
Bradley Al Rice Jolie-Pitt

prior to Trenton Passmore, Tim Passmore, Chris Raun, Neel Rao,
Tom Wu, and Anne or Kate Raun,
Victor used to go Chuckle Cheese, echoing Patricia Young and Tyrek Young,
and enjoy lots of pizza and tokens of fun games.

And at Austin, Texas,
Amanda, Richard, Zhigang Tan, Timonthy Lam, and Venessa,
or Jay, Zach have been good playmates,
we go training riding at Zilker park,
We swim, swing, and school at Austin Bryer Woods elementary school.

Marie Coffee, Kathleen Appleton, and Sarah Constantin have capacity
letting first graders watching beijing new year gala,
Ms. Julie, Thompson, Thompton, Rahmat, Vikki, Theresa, DEborah, Tyrik, Oprah, Paris, Lady Gaga,
Iain, Gay, Gus, Rick, Shannon, Maryposa, and Jen Wise used to host birthday party
for the Lewis-Hill family.

Their new Mini Van is big and blue,
The ice cream cones are sweet and cool,
Glad to see Zahara Marley, Shiloh Nouvel, Pax Jolie-Pitt, Knox Leon, Ji Rice, Vivienne Marcheline,
and Olive Wells, Reece Foster, Arzelar Leming, Lucinda Page, Sheryl Sandberg, Marissa Mayer
all dress up like princess Fairy, and get into Angela Cohan category with pink classy story.

Banach Mazur Fubini said...

The Cookie-Monster At Scottland
by Banach Mazur Fubini

Big bird likes speaking with small monsters,
Elmo, Sid, Dora, Bob, Nina, Bart, Kim, Baylee, Leah, Laynie, and Megan...

Todd Lamb believes that, all shall be considered:
Kim Hunter, Sally Archer, Rebecca Morris, Al Shelton, Peter Agre, Bill Underwood,
Nick Murphy, Gary Salwierak, and Suzanne Donnolo.

Sarah Constantin seeks orchestra concerts hosts inspirations,
When Chris Shrock, Lori Webster, Pam Felactu, Bob Moore, Benjamin Moore,
Sena Brothers, and Larry King promote academic excellence.

I see the Cookie-Monster at Scottland,
I spy Frank Wang, Monique Baxter, Jiahong Luu, Julie Zhu, Charles Page, Ali Zhang,
Fazlur Rahman, and Alan Moore drive at sesame street.

David Kighuradze visits Georgia of Russia,
Charles Dillard, Shayne Johnson, Dan Vossen, Weiping Li, Emily Dial, Rynel Luo,
Meijun Zhu, Ning Ju, and Tiejian Wu plans a trip to Idaho, Oregon, and Alaska.

peace is everyone's dreams,
every child rests at ease when they are pleased by brain storming programs,
Winnie-the-Pooh, Christopher Robin, Tiger, Piglet, Rabby, Gophie, Avery, and Farren.

Roessel Sanjiv Morton said...

I See Epson on TV
Roessel Sanjiv Morton

i see epson on tv,
i read canon in Norway.

i hang McCormick T-shirt on Dell PC,
I book Duffer and Hanna House hotel from Mozilla Conway.

I write places on wide-ruled pages,
I eat Quizino sandwiches at Microtel lounges.

i order Fiberglass 24x24x1 Panel Filter from Greenwood, Indianna,
I crack up at Knock, Knock jokes when reading Yoshimoto Banana.

i am promoted at Barns & Noble, Amazon, and Ebay,
I am grateful to Jeff Bezos, Kathleen Donnelly, Stephen Zollo, Jean Soper, and Bob Young days.

i chew Wrigley's Juicy Fruit Gum,
i frame Lynn morgan, Shannon Gorbet, Trent Swason, Molly Haddox, Sue Dick, and Todd Holm.

i swallow insults in pain,
I emit peaceful poetry in vain.

Cihan Barron Pippa Forbes said...

Quartz Mountain Summer music Camp at Lone Wolf Bay
by Cihan Barron Pippa Forbes

all seek love,
all search for landscape above.

Julie Cohen, Dennis McClurg Kenna, Iain Pybus, and Gayla foster are good at piano keys,
Kurt Bachmann, xifan Liu, Lucy Shen, Jessica Walker, Dorothy Dodd, Ruibo Li,
Joseph Skeen, John Oxtoby, Hung-Hsi Wu, Mengchu Zhou, Zhengyan Lin, Arjun Gupta,
Shimura Taniyama, Francesco Lattarulo, and Bill Underwood teach Geosciences.

OSSM talents glitter at Lone Wolf Bay,
OK summer arts incentives pave the way.

Praise Nathan Brown, Brad Henry, Stan Barton, David Boren, Linda Neal,
Mare Vinciguerra, Allen Tickham, Gene Moon, Amanda Quist, Christian Farrel,
Martin Mailman, Thomas Ho, Angela Harris, Andre Tyson, Malia Robinson,
Chelsea Clinton, Barbara or Jenna Bush, Sasha Obama, Uma Obama, and Stanley Ann.

stamp out hunger at Austra, Germany, India, Vietnam, Laos, Japan, Korea, and Africa,
Deliver cereals, ramen noodles, lay chips, and oatnut bread or sara lee bread to
AFL-cio Cinot America may 9th.

the mountain is green,
the water is blue,
the lone wolf is grey,
the artists walk a long way to a chamber music stage.

peace is achieved
when the violin murmurs with soothing sound,
peace is relived
when the Bass strings vibrate in Walt-Disney dreamland.

Uppsala Fritz Ulam Carlson said...

Emily wiley and The Campus Ripley by
Uppsala Fritz Ulam Carlson
posted by Benji Barratt Clark Twohill Sullivan

while Curt Jennifer cooks pancakes,
Sara Julio bakes Lay Chips;
When daily O'colly honors Nancy Randolph Davis,
Rebecca Indie writes JoAnn Samra Hall of Fame.

I park my car at business product inc.,
I eat my breakfast lunch at Boom-A-Rang,
I fuel at Shell Murphy gas station,
I watch TV at Calvin center-OSU!

While Simba Marissa dreams of princess Lucindanne,
Amelia Beredjick dances Michael Jackson space steps,
Frank and Alison read the campus ocu,
Burns Hargis revises his loans of 2015 Tulsa-OSU!

the fears of unknown,
the stage of an opera song,
the phtomac river bridge,
the shenadoah woods birdscage...

everybody swims freely,
none wants to offend Bradd Brown,
each of names shines Ali Wonderly,
few wishes to litter Fijis and Red Cross blood drive efforts.

Harry Bliss Davidson Faulks said...

From Ballet and Flex Dancers to Orchestra Music
Harry Bliss Davidson Faulks

the world is complex,
photography, film & video, painting does add light to Ballet dance and Flex Fix.

when Keith Carter and Scott Hamilton Kennedy work on LA and Beaumont snapshots,
Michele Wiles, Jay Donn, Eine Klein, Peter Markes, and Lawrence Page, and Scott Jackson conduct philharmonic orchestra.

Rose Fay Thomas opens piano music club,
Nancy Shelton, Auda Marie Tom, Meredith Blecha, and Eric
Garcia advances the fun from Ponca city to Norman.

Since state art standard is important,
we always heal our tired soul via OYO, NCHO, All State
side-by-side Jazz Band.

Ally Sharp, Kari Quigley, Curt Sharp, Carmen Gulczynski, Denise McClurg, Dan Larson,
Trenton Murner, Becky Hammack, Donna Dollins, Robert Hasty, Sheng Vuu, Allen Yen,
the drivers to Dok, OCCT tests are worthy.

Dancing is bouncing,
Creative writing is inventing,
Photography is digital painting,
Orchestra is music note and theory audition.

all produce peace,
peace exists no more without human being and without arts.

Courtney Wuthnow Lutz Sheinmel said...

A Midwest Adventure at Lawrence, Kansas
Courtney Wuthnow Lutz Sheinmel

Evan Tosing has fun doing cello instruction,
when he promotes students to Lawrence via letter of recommendation.

Elizabeth White, Wenjia Xu, Allen Yen, Sean Yen, Jacob Black, Devin Peck,
Aurica Rising, Vega Martinez, Ashton Nicole Mainord, Yuekun Feng, Victor Nguyen,
James David Henneberry, Sheng Wu, Sandy Wright, Lisa Storm, Amelia Wilson, Paige Bush,
Austin Mitchell, Diane Chen, Sifan Zhang, John Rong, Madeline Sage, Rachel Hagemeier...

Recall the July music camp at McCollum Hall Room 1021,
That's where our musicians reside at Murphy Hall, Lawrence, Kansas.

It seems like music chior enlightens all,
Bless Tracy S. Ressegule the orchestra conductor,
or John Lynch Tom Stidham, Rob Foster, Arnald Gabriel, Kevin Peek, Cara Sharp, John Schimek,
Brianna Upton, Jim LaRocca, Gena Alexander, Dawn Thrailkill, Erin Craig, Brad Benson.

this phrase includes Stillwater News press, The Oklahoman, Tulsa World, New York Times,
because mostly, they report updated artists awards and promote mutual benefits,
thus, when it comes to world peace,
music concerts and Blue Clue festivals are very vital to community grace.

play an instrument,
work with private, public school tutors and teachers,
fine tune your mood,
let the common ground of love, laughter, and happiness grow roots.

Megan Charlotte Turner said...

Buckingham Palace, Virgin Atlantic, and Make It Epic News
Megan Charlotte Turner

News from the other planet,
Will and Cathrine Elizabeth Kate,
a prince and a duchess of Cambridge princess,
celebrating their 2nd child’s May 2, 2015 birth–
baby girl princess Charlotte Elizabeth Dianna…wow

After two weeks heartfelt family time,
with Prince George, prince Harry, and Princess Charlotte in good mood,
Will is heading to join David Beckham, Andy Murray, Lewis Hamilton,Yao Ming, Carole, Pippa, and etc. at Switzerland and Canada
to protect wild animals, and fasten his royal duties as a man with title.

Absence produces attraction,
that’s how David Sims at WeNN believes.
As reporters at US, People, Vintage magazines agree,
Princess Charlotte is an instant hit as she is projected to be a close relative to Chelsea Clinton,
To Pippa Middleton, Shiloh Pitt, Suri Cruise, Malia or Natasha Obama,

in both fame and loyalty as women, celebrity, and model of grace and wit.

Flecia Stanley Urlaub Emrich said...

Ronnie Winniam Anderson's Peace-Warning
Flecia Stanley Urlaub Emrich

Ronnie Anderson skips Firestone Express,
Landing at Kwik Kar Lube & Oil Service.

Eyes on TV,
Thoughts on UWE,
Matt Goen wants high Mileage upcharge for additional $10,
Ronnie agrees to pay $24.99 so that Jeff Wright, Megan Quinn, Travis Reed feel fabulous.

Once the oil change service is done,
we stop by Burger King for Teriyaki chicken whopper fun,
Purphy USA nearby is good for fuel,
Driving with Confidence Fort James is kool.

A morning is gone,
Emily Cain, Christian Anderson calls me on the phone,
We're upset that Arzelar Leming feels brave
and finds a way to respond to Winniam's peace-warning.

Michael & Ann Greenwood,
Sherman E Smith,
Boone Thomas Pickens,
Edward Johnson and Theta Pond goose or ducks.

Time to walk cross Ranch Club dinning
and leave student union Atherton hotel,
in order for Ann and Burns Hargis to have fun at University Store
and create something interesting at Jim Halligan's fame hall.

Skylar Aiken Whetstone Bollag said...

Zachariah, Stephen, Morton, Pine, Stanley, Aobama, Ridge, Burns, and Tiayan
Skylar Aiken Whetstone Bollag

if you wish to win approval of Hargis,
You must stay calm, confident, and silent,
Supporting Henry Bellmon, Bryn Mawr, Serge Lang, Bill Bus Jaco,
Never litter those who have knowledge on math and science.

Robert Myers wins fame at Myers Park,
Rebecca, Indie, Anna, Ute, Juliette, Elise, and Mymy recognize Ingham Plaza,
Bill William Henry Gates feels good at Williams food shop,
Sam Walton, Sanjiv Puri, Paul Tippens, Mark Turner, and Peter Morris
obtain expertise on food science, physics fluids.

To stay in focus,
We look at Gallagher-Iba Arena basketball sports,
Visit Old Central museum of Higher Education at Ok state,
Scan books at Edmond Low, Yale, Perkins, Enid, or Ponca city library.

See Zachariah, Stephen, Morton, Pine, Stanley, Aobama, Ridge, Burns, and Tiayan
Add David Henneberry, D. G. Kabe, Dale Alspach, Anothony Kable,
Benny Evans, Alan Noell, Zhengyan Lin, Chris FRancisco, Jiahong Wu,
Yanqiu Wang, John Wolf, David Wright, Tao Li, Cathrine Castle, Ning Ju,
Kay Baker, Patricia Jordan, Peter Constantin, Jerry Bona, Meijun Zhu,
Fanghua Lin, Ping Zhang, Quansen Jiu, Baoquan Yuan, Chengtong Qiu,
Weiping Li, Suzie Parsons, Katye Perry, John Stein-brink, William Segall...

Slices of ham,
Pieces of beef jerk links original flavor,
a bottle of Diet Coke,
OSU Antique orange color T-shirts and postcards,
That's beautiful items for the May 13th of 2015.

places produce differences,
products grow wisdom and satisfactions,
let peace reside inside,
let the high tide of Atlanta ocean rise to a novel height.

Madison Katy Morgan Boyett said...

A Chipotle Bowl

Mexican Grill
Rice, sliced peppers, steak,
plus tomato and black beans,
a bowl of tom yum.

China Wok,
Happy Moon egg drop soup,
Long Garlic cuts on top,
A cylinder of swimming golds.

Age of Adaline movie,
Cathy, Ellis, William, Darla, Judith, Mimi, Jennifer,
an accident love and drama,
the coin-incidence is invincible.
Madison Katy Morgan Boyett

unconditional love produces peace,
Brad Henry wishes to be Sergey Brinn,
Curt Sharp thinks of Sheng Wu,
Chad Page tries to act like Matt Rowling.

Barack Kenya Honolulu Obama said...

A Mountain View from Hyatt Place At Zurich Avenue
Barack Kenya Honolulu Obama

Barack administration is nice,
When they pay attention to Indians, Asians, Kenyans, and comprise,
Obama Hillugiburown is well known
as First Lady Michelle's support to Nuevenston is very strong,
Togo, Netherlands, Greenland, Peru, Cuba, Somalia, Shashi, Natalie, Morty, Chuck,
Larser, Sergey, Larry, Tanya, Sophia, Camila, Amelia, Jenna and Edward is caring.

As David Zalaznik, Pat Quinn, Chris Clark, Bob Burke, Al Gore, Laura Willis,
Daniel Boone, Doug Frantz, Tom Wu, Pam Fry, Sam Nunn, Benji Wojin, Frankford Shant,
and Sheng Luu promote Academic excellence monitoring,
World Peace comes to a complete enterprising.
Less confronting, Few Frowns,
Calm water does produce Lifenet function.

Margaret Thatcher, Kate Middleton, Lucy Page, Anne Brin,
and Collin Powell have done well with George Walker Bush,
Mae Boren Axton, Carrie and Dan Boren, Valden Burns, George Cross,
Bill Clinton, James Baker, Sarah Palin, and Edward Gaylord stand still,
because they agree with Joe biden, Jill Biden, Robert Henry, Brad Henry,
Todd Lamb, Gina Noble, Mary Fallin for flexible mindfill.

Places we pass have been recorded in our memory,
Let see that Hyatt Place of Zurich Avenus and list many of them for Glory:
Chicago, Seattle, Princeton, Newwark, New York City, Queen, Chelsea, Mahattan,
Philadelphia, Nashville, Atlanta, Maryland, Greece, Beijing, Wuhan, Tianmen, Tokyo,
Mian Yang, Xian Tao, Zhang Gang, Austin, Houston, Dallas, Stillwater, Wisconsin,
Iowa, Utah, Illinois, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nebraska, Kentucky, Michigan,
Conyers, Georgia, Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Kansas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri,
London, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Brookdale, Broken Arrow, Berry Creek, FiddleHill,
Greenwood, Mountasin View, Copan,Turner Park, Robinwood, Guthrie, Fangshan,
Boomer Lake, Fairway Park at Page Betcher, Jenks, Norman, Lone Wolf, Elk City,
Carney, Altus, Auburn Place, Eagle Point, Anhui, Jiangxi, Luxi, Fujian, Tampa, Jilin,
Heilongjiang, Orlando, Jiangsu, Shandong, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hubei, Hong Kong,
Tianjin, Shanghai, Liangxiang,Shen Yang, Brandon, Toronto, Florence, Milan, Texas...

Sheggy Candi Benton Piercy Normal said...

Julie Ronbinwood's Full circle of Mini Banking
Sheggy Candi Benton Piercy Normal

it's May 16th, 2015,
The day is scheduled in the full circle of Mini Banking:
Conoco Gas at Sangre for Tom's OYo cello audition,
A birthday wish for May 22nd birthday boys Thomas,
Shegumo, Richard, George, and Bill.

65 minutes drive to OCU Wanda Bass music school,
Check in at 9:45am, with Karina Fisher or Eric Garcia,
sit next to Flecia Emrich, Mary Green, Shawn Marler,
Shawnnessy Black, Vicki TAYLOR , Pamela Dongilli, Amy Willhoit, Yvonne Juarez, Lathica Abeyewarden, Kim Murray,
Think of Gental Dental Care at Moore, Edmond, Perkins, or Choctow,
Imaging the home for Katy, Alyssa, Zachriah, Sara, Abbey, Morgan,
Megan, Madison, Eric, Barnett, John, Jim, Jason, Christopher, Tom.

At 12:20pm, dine some Dim Sum at Grand House China Bistro,
Fuel hen at Shell of Morrison,
Train of thoughts on Hennessy, Perry, Enid, Silicon Valley, San Francisco,
Passing Convington, Noble County,
Entering Woodward, Garfield county,
Stop at Braum's for gravy and chicken stripes,
photographying Saint Mary imaging hospital,
including Enid Public School,
city of Enid police department,
Public Library of Enid and Garfield,
Telescoping Larry's Home Oxygen shop,
Purchase books on sale from Mary Lee and Lawrence Frantz.

Add 2.5 gallon of energy from Pilot, Exon, Mobile, Philip 66,
after sipping Farmer Brothers coffee,
We connect citi card, bayclay, and united airline mastercard
so that Panda buffet is in,
Fuji film printing machine at Walmart is in usage,
and in the end, Julie is ready to hit home,
by cutting highway 64, 35, 177, and
joining Payne county with Frontier Lane bowling mood.

Anonymous said...

Hello, JP @ Olive Garden officials, I agree to have my work published in your A Scattered Thought On World Peace Factors and How Inner Peace Mindset Helps Project.

by Persian Bard



These stories-
Have been told.
Let’s not forget.

These questions-
Have been asked
Though truly-
Never answered.

Much lie-
Has been told;
And retold-
And believed.

The eyes-
Have deceived,
Been deceived,
Looked away.

Have been read,
Beread and-

Yet have ached;
Been pained-
And paroled.

The story-
Has been told.
Of love-
In hearts of gold.

They laugh-
And they scorn;
What they-
Haven’t ever known.

It’s not-
For everyone to feel;
Even though-
It’s very simple.

You may feel-
Or have it ample.
You might falter-
And be gone.

Inner balance-
Shall be practiced.
Something new-
That I can preach?

Keep it real.
Oh what a sentence!
It deludes,
Only deludes.

We don’t truly know-
Each other,
One another-
And ourselves.

We are strangers
We’re unheard of,
We are aliens,

You don’t know me.
You don’t know you.
I know nothing.
We know none.

Maybe one thing-
In common-
Have we all…
Collective truth?

That fact that-
We need peace.
The truth beneath-
The promise.

The tale that-
Love is real.
Even though-
It does beguile.

Is that something that’s-
Been told?
Or retold?
Or never told?

rosemary woodsburg said...

the violent rose
rosemary woodsburg

The Violent Rose

eye in a trance
silent space
as buoy deserts the battleground.

Thoughts against thoughts to scan all
until the mind butts the body,
The violent rose of transcendental relations.

payne county vs noble industry,
thomas wood against h. e. bible,
ask ken gann for a gem calculus solution.

cythia rosemary regrets her decisions
only if her two lords get bruised by bubble bees,
darly city withdraw its force due to the birth of macynn anne luxibao

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Hello, JP @ Olive Garden officials, I agree to have my work published in your A Scattered Thought On World Peace Factors and How Inner Peace Mindset Helps Project, along with
Title of your entry: I Dream of a Place
Name in which you wish to appear in the book: Anjum Wasim Dar

Poem content:I dream of a Place of Peace
But dreams are in vain
Time and again there is pain;
I was brought to a Promised Land
Created with killing, insane;
Where remnants of blood
Traces of flood,
Sensations of fear remain;
I dream of a place secure
Clean colorful and pure
But I am not sure
As I see
the flying roof of a bus
As I hear
the terrifying sound of a blast
OH how long is it going to last?
As I fear
One moment in time
May be so fast , before we know
And thus we are......no where, no more;
I dream of a moment of hope,
Of a land where I may be
And I may for eternity, stay;
Truer than any dream and I
With good grace and gratitude
Be happy for ever and pray.

Thank you all

Amy Kowlow Stacy Loper said...

fly all the way from Will Roger airport to Dallas, then Hong Kong
Amy Kowlow Stacy Loper

tickets booked,
clothes washed,
credit card cased,
mind folded...

a trip to East Asian,
it is a challenge to most people in america,
passport, visa,
suitcase, money and hotel delta,

we use American airline this time,
will run over Aqua Luna harbor discovery tour in Hong Kong,
Victoria peak is interesting plus the Langham Honh Kong,
eat at Tim Ho Wan and walk on Wanchai island,
then we dream of shenzhen museum status,

within 6 days,
our feet extend to Benjia Korean food and Cui Yuan Jade Garden spices,
Guangzhou Canton TV tower and Macau museum will be a hit,
not to mention Dallas skilink rides, and Fortworth pizzas.

I bet India, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Russia, Mongolia do watch us fly,
and Liyuan Peng, Jinping Xi, Yansheng Bai, etc along with Barack Obama
agree to let go, and allow those wild birds tip toe to withhold their personal restrictions
and enjoy a fairground ride along Beijing, Shanghai, Japan, and California sightseeing.

Anna Gina Savannah Piece said...

Oklahoma Math and Science Senior Dinner Party Flash Backs
Anna Gina Savannah Piece

ossm parents association needs Junior Parents attention,
An email from Sue dick, Melissa Shackford, Cathy Bird,
Michelle Leffler, Alan and Cori Moore sends us to “Heaven”,
set up 4:30pm to 6:30pm,
There comes Joe Kingery, Amy Loper, Cori Loomis, Ellen Mercer,
Renita Swedberg, Jim Hill, Chiana Yung,
Clean up, 8:30pm to 9:30pm, there goes
Eric Loper, Joe Kingery, James Hill, Nirmala Vaidyanathan, Joyce Lan…

The Great Hall of Dan Little building is packed from 6:30pm to 8:29pm,
Since Junior students such as Tom, Tuzo, Nathan, or Albert are moving out,
Senior students are nervous and stressed…
no more spray bottle or mopping cloth,
but napkins, candle lights, which is quite tricky affair.

with tables reserved for the Dick family, the Haddox family, the Moore family,
the Swedberg family, and the Woodward Wang family….
a ticket of chicken or steak from Alan and Amy enable us for a treat,
I see Frank Wang, Chris Shrock, Xifan Liu go great:

somestudents who are graduating or whose parents are volunteering are:
Kobby Wiafe, Anna Piece, Ben Zhao, Richard Yang, Kevin Weng,
Micah Swedberg, Akash Patel, Nick Murphy, Colby Moore, Wayne Lin,
Brian Dick, Edward Bird, Julie Zhu, Abbey Wood, Sophie Shackford,
Britney Reed, Victoria Pickens, Morgan Pearson, Chi Chi Omeke, Katie McDonald,
Diana Li, Jessica Justus, Marye Jones, Molly Haddox, Anna Marie Evans,
Emily Bird, Jane Chin, Mazie Earl, Alvina Zhang, Lucas Miller,

we are glad to know more talents and inspirations in the year to come:
which includes Luke, Matthew, Ben Loper who has cello lessons,
with Sheng’s birthday on May 22, along with amy Willhoite, John Bajkowski,
Sam Walton, ronnie Anderson, Brian Lange, Rachel Owen, Yvonne Juarez.

Elizabeth Luke Ben Banks said...

May 17 to May 23, I have bumped into myself and others...
Elizabeth Luke Ben Banks

Elizabeth Banks
Green Acres Market
JCPenney at Pioneer Square
David Mooneyham
Kim's Vistnamese Cuisine
Stanley Rains
Red Rock Bakery
Chuck E. Cheese
GattiTown Buffet Games
Taco Bueno
Guthrie Travel Center
Ethiopia Diamond Gas Stop
Conoco Gas at Sangre
Kum and Go gas Perkins
Pitch Perfect II movie with Emily, Rebecca, Brittney, of Barden University
Johanna Lee
charles Zhang
Strickland Park at Main Street
David Steffens
Andrea Venet
Food Pyramid Post Office
Charles Dillard
Clark and Wanda Bass
Multi Art Center
Will Roger Airport
Dallas Fort Worth Airport
American Airline
United Airline
Delta Airline

Wavely Vicki Johanna Wang said...

folks who have jumped onto the great wall of China recent week and some places we dwell
Wavely Vicki Johanna Wang

Southern Woods Park
Stillwater Early Head Start
Oklahoma state university Burns Hargis
OSU Botantic Garden
Angie Debo
Beattie, Kansas
Jurassic World Movie
Jayone Foods, Inc.
Joe and Jamie Skeen,
Fred Dodd,
Amy Roberson,
Jiahong Wu
Tina Yan
Jan Post,
Frank Wang,
Ron, Manson, Rebecca Morris,
Mark Li,
Sharon Jorski,
Kurt Backman,
Andrew Bucki,
Mary Green,
Mitchell Maxwell,
Emily Dial,
Farren Springer,
Itsy Brothers,
Micchael Young,
Ruibo Khan,
Zhouping Xin,
Jackie Pham,
Edward Bird,
Janayah Murray,
Sara Marie Bodentein,
David Kighuradze,
Gary Salwierak,
Wavely Wang,
Tom Wu,
cheryl Bigbee,
Connie Pan,
Vicki Taylor,
Larry Page,
Sergey Brin,
Eric Schmidt,
David Schmidly
Pat Quinn
Jerry Brown
Chris Christi
Sheng Wu
Peter Constantin
Bus Jaco
Barack Husein

Eggland Nutshells said...

shel silverman and los angeles' book soup shop
Eggland Nutshell

too early to connect to Dallas,
too late to cancel the Tongji trip,
we get on the web and find out Shel Silverman at Book Soup Shop.

A frog leap, we hear Lax broadcast weep,
The pineapple food is good,
Tom Bradley and Jamie Henry tun Turish airlines at Westwood.

Kathrine has gate 8 and 4, Babington,
Sherri has gate 27 and 47, Evanston,
Cynthia has tickets switched to 16A, Owenston,
Claudia has cameras recharged near 21B, Queenston.

Jiahong, Annie, and Tobupa ride Peak Tram, Honiton,
Bank of China at Hong Kong, or Hang Seng Bank cshes for MUJi customers,
jill Biden and Joe Henry Biden get into hideout at Washington,
Glad that Vincent Ryan comes home from Sheung Wan Bay.

Although there are abundant food samples at Hong Kong TV,
We also see firefighters, scientists, artists, and writers interviewed at Broadway,
Macau people won't resist Venetian resorts, or Galaxy casinos,
Visitors to those may always echo the fancy in their forceful way.

peaceful parade,
peaceful visits,
peaceful discussion and benefits,
yes, a good read leads to a good mood of the day.

Tianna Furletts Hilbert said...

Natalie's Dallas Sweet Gourmet
Tianna Furletts Hilbert

Besides LaMill Coffee
and Sonic Red Button roast Tea,
I'm thrilled about Mary May,
who serves at Natalie's Dallas Sweet Gourmet today.

Pat Brownwood,
ShanTou, TaiPa, Dalian, JinAn, YanTai, or SanJuan,
George Walker Bush speaks of Gladiola Montana,
Texas Bix Bender travels to Salt Lake City with Gibbs Smith.

Love Sichuan chicken bowl at Cui Hua (Tsui Wah) house,
Praise LaHunta's potato sandwich via Sonic Delaware North,
The Hong Kong dollars from Ivan Pan at Page One is evergreen in value.
So does the Ngau Chi and Yau Ma Mei theatres.

from Payne county water field, to will roger world airport,
from Los Angeles ink-sack bar to Kowloon subway stop,
from Island Pacific hotel to Shenzhen Science center,
from Macau Vanatian entertainment to American Airline honolulu,
every place demonstrates a name with gratitude and grace, and that's peace!

Ethan Cook Wozniak said...

Thinking of Jingjing Guo, Kenneth Fok, Timothy Fok, Loletta Chu, and their treasure family member Lawrence Fok
Ethan Cook Wozniak

in our life span,
we watch news either from television or from our books,
many pass by without stirring our mind.

today in Hong Kong, many famous people gather,
they speak Cantonese,
and spell Eastern Pearls.

Recall 1992 Olympic games,
We know Jingjing Guo, Mingxia Fu, Ning Li, Ming Yao,
We also know Yaping Deng, Ping Lang, Michelle Kwung, Peter Thomas, and Patrick Edward.

Movies or TV dramas do please us to entertain,
That's why we highlight Yazhi Zhao, Tong Ye,
which is the white snake spirits queen.

Here comes Huanzhu Gege, Shen Diao Xia Yu,
and we switch to Ni Chun, Jackie Chen, Zuming Fang, Xiaoming Huang,
Mi Yang, Yifei Liu, Wei Zhao, Bingbing Fan, Tao Liu, Binyan Yan, Ruby Lin,
and we rain sweet words on Mingze Xi, Chelsea Clinton, Jenna Bush for higher IQ.

From Standford University, Princeton University, Yale University,
to Harvard University, MIT, UChicago, and Northwestern University,
many famous offspring sing their songs
and do dance marathon to pave their way to Silicon Valley of Boston, MA.

happy news for Jingjing Guo,
joyful baby photos from Hong Kong and Beijing,
a remarkable milestone there shines on,
let's praise God for the blessings of Fok (Huo) family.

Sheldon Katzeff Adelson said...

Kwun Lafatin Day and the University of Hong Kong
Sheldon Katzeff Adelson

Honiton, Babington Path,
Stephhen Sui Science,
Time Square Causeway of Hong Kong,
Lotus Pond fish.

Veneta, Muji, Bupa, Panasonic, Jipi Japan,
Putogas, Putaoya, Panama, Pakistan, Paradise nest,
Victoria Park, McDonald coffee,
James Cui plus Green Dot Dot tesset.

Qun E Dai, Yunlan Shuai, Shihe Liu, Ying Liu, Jinping Xi,
Ai Qun Li, Qi Wang, Dequan Feng, Chuanxian Peng, Jiahong Wu,
Newwork with Tianjin, Beijing, Shanghai, Harbin, Shenyang, Wuxi,
Wuhan, Guangzhou, Macau, Paris, Rome, Shenzhen, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Elena, Samartha, Wavely, Abbey, James, Victor, Gloria, Lori, Liz, Lucinda, Anne, Mimi, Matt,
Mark, Jack, Zack, Jerry, Bill, Jacob, Benji, Carl, Judith, David, Brad, Larry, Chuck, Edward, Jason,
Eric, Rufus, Jill, William, Anthony, Rachel, Sheng, Sergey, Stacy, Suzaane, Sue, Amy, Glecia,
Frank, Gina, John, Marc, Joe, Peter, Alissa, Sam, Jim, Stephan, Kathleen, Amelia, Jill, and Phil.

Bob, Leah, Baylee, kimberly, Nat, Mary, Kevin, Malia, Todd, Laynie, Robin, Sophia, Jeff, George,
Kirina, Dennis, Michelle, Pat, Cora, France, Mitt, Julio, Morton, Anna, Justin, Jennifer, Angela,
Suri, Kate, Tanya, Tonya, Bill, Sasha, Tagg, Christopher, Dana, Nick, Luke, Ashley, Christina,
John, Marc, Akiko, Barack, Pamela, Viola, Marissa, Sheryl, Karen, Sheila, Ave, Tom, Tuzo, Ji..

Getting back on stage,
with No more road rage, cambridge,
I'm resting my brain
and couching for Jordan Carlson page.

Irwin Cutler Chafetz said...

Rebecca Givens Whistles...
Irwin Cutler Chafetz

hearing from Larry Gosney and Chelsea Travis,
OSSM GPA gives us sweat.

Honda Car civic,
Driving shall be promising.

Enzo, Ecco, Molly Dolly, Miu You,
Jinglong Dian, Jimei Group,
The four season park is full of wonders.

Eu Yan Sand, Cathay Pacific crew,
TaiPa island, a Wan Zhai power,
Why does Scott Jackson cry for music orchestra?

Gina Noble speaks, Rebecca Givens whistles,
Liyuan Peng, Burns Hargis, Barack and Mish Obama, liz, peter join us,
Donghua Li, Ying Meng, Quansen Jiu, Ping Zhang, and Xinyi Jiu giggles.

Capital normal university of Beijing, Peking University mathematicians,
University of Tokyo, University of Kentucky, Rice University, Ok State University,
Chinese Academy of Science, or Shanghai Traffic and Transportation University,
they all seek peaceful interactions in research, good for jiahong and jacobsens.

Macau Venetian Wu said...

Venetian (WeiNiShe) of Las Vegas
Macau Venetian Wu

Hong Kong Ferry station,
Tickets to Macau, from Shekou or Beng Seng,
Interesting Island Pacific hotel shuttle.

Red, Green, Blue,
The sea is muddy with waves,
fun Caito macau jet experience.

encounting Wu Ke,
A deal is made to three eel,
Bus rides to major attractions.

The Golden Dragon dome (Jinglong Dian) is cool,
Sands, Wynn, Lotus Flame, Galaxy, Starworld, Starwood...
The Venetian casino castle rocks.

Connecting to Las Vegas, Nebraska,
We see Sheldon Adelson, Richard Katzeff, Ted Cutler,
Irwin Chafetz, Jordan Shapiro, Larry Page, Jerry Yang..

Charles Victor Katzenmeyer said...

instant Maxwell house coffee
Charles Victor Katzenmeyer

Yumai beef noodles,
SanYang shrimp fried rice,
YuFan fisherman nets,
TienYi chocolate cake.

Regardless how many dishes you eat,
No matter how much money one earns,
Christopher Robin is in frames,
Kate Middleton fulfills Buckingham dreams.

Justin Vutton street,
Prince Edward Road,
Bakery Windorson avenue,
Lori Roberts lane.

You drink highland milk,
I pick Great Value juice,
He purchases Pocketful jokes,
She sips instant maxwell house blend coffee, of course.

when it comes to world peace,
we promote inner strength and intelligence,
if you look for love and fun,
then travel around, invest your time, and enjoy the external grace.

Timothy Kenneth Chu Fok said...

Tian Mimi, Sweet Honey Foodstore at The Peak Tram Hong Kong
Timothy Kenneth Chu Fok

three goats,
Wednesday oats,
March coats,
Quinnlan Walton Kowloons.

Brown bears,
Pink Jackets,
White Walls,
Red Socks.

O'Hare at Chicago,
SFO at San Francisco,
LAX at Los Angeles,
FAnn at Frankford.

Sam I Am,
Dr. Seuss and Dr. Grapes fancy about Ram,
Here you come,
Ms. Tian Mimi and Ms. Hu Yongqin sample sweet honey bee Braum.

Sasha Kent Zuckerberg said...

A Ticket to Wan Chai Ferry Pier
Sasha Kent Zuckerberg

take me to the ball game,
let me ride Wan Chai boat,
drop me at San Francisco bay,
Allow me to cross Crocsnuts bridge.

LukFook Jewellery Blinks,
Mulan movie attracts,
Hong Kong museum of science impresses,
Babcock park peeks.

Pencilvinia sounds like Pensyvania,
Binxifalia eachoes California,
Too many voices there,
Let’s do phoenix, Houston, Macau, Memphia, Singapore, Japan, Bartleville, and Albuquerque,

Tomorrow we go train riding,
Tomorrow we visit Guangzhou Canton Tower,
Tonight we pause for Lapalce equation at Time Square,
and dwell on Noble, Garfield, Payne, or Mary, Lawrence, and Lucinda relation.

Jimmy John Putin Pelosi said...

Thinking of Geordia, Atlanta, Russia, China, or America here or there
Jimmy John Putin Pelosi

Someone wishes to be Nancy Pelosi,
Someone writes about Michelle Kwung,
A Sichuan man dreams about Jinan buns,
No wonder Hong Kong city connects to San Jose pawns.

In Chinese,
KongFuzi is famous philosophy writer,
In English, referring to the one above,
Confucius is one major thoughts on life as theory.

Laos is Laozi, another well known thinker,
Chuangs is Zhuangzi,
Moongs is Mengzi.

At Western nation,
We call Nuts as Jianguo,
We relate Gates as Gaichi,
We Consider Pages as Peijis,
We see Brins as Banyans…

No Nonsenses,
Los Angeles is LuoSanJi for Asians,
Cathay Pacific is GuoJi TaiPingYang,
Honda Dallas is Bentian Danfu…

Julie disney Bakewell Cohen said...

Infamous mountain Tram Flashes for the day
Julie Disney Bakewell Cohen

Santa Clause fly on sleigh, high,
Ding ding ding,
Ding Ling is a writer from Mainland China ass Asian.

Axa says Ansheng,
Aia says LoveYou,
Tangmu Li says Tom Lee,
Hong Kong speaks of Xiang Gang.

Simei Yan smiles when Tom rides bikes,
Hounian Peng sighs when Sheng graduates from NUevanston,
Shihe Liu drives Taxi all the way to Fangshan, and to Shijinshan to see Ying Liu,
Min Wang buys high speed train tickets to Kunming.

Ryan does connect to Mary,
Ariat does honor Larry,
Ladies and gentlemen do shine on large page,
Paris, Parry, Paige, Pakistan, Panama, Panda express, what British omen.

row row row,
row the boat,
rain rain rain,
come again another day.

well known tricks,
infamous mountain tram climbs,
the imperfect is perfect,
the fallin pagebrickers show its thumbs.

Liz Bob Noyce Peng said...

I do Drink Hong Xiang (Xin Yang Mao Jian) Tea at Ialand Pacfic Hotel
Liz Bob Noyce Peng

Hong Kong time,
Sky 100, Wood, Metal, Water, Fire, Earth departments.
We dine at Kowloon Tang, Sonnenburg Page,
and think about Google, Yahoo, Facebook followers.

Qiangjiao Kong’s grand son talks about Portugal empires,
Honoring Tikiri Abeyasinghe, Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco da Gama, Shiping Wu,
Oahu, Honolulu, Hawaii people supports,
Hogan cloth, Ascot Chang T-shirts reveal favor of Pedro Alvares Cabral, Chris Columbus.

Jiahong Ren says Yanfan,
Peijiao Yan says Liwei,
Yaochun Lu says Annapolis,
Piaget Jean says Panasonic.

Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, Joseph Shant gives glory to Jingping Xi,
Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Macynn Patten offers honor to Liyuan Peng,
I write Anne Noelle, Peter Bakewell, and Walt Disney to open my mind,
and pass chicken nuggets poetry to Italian, Indian, Japanese folks.

Mimi Tomas Shekou Xi said...

Kennedy Town Fatasy
Mimi Tomas Shekou Xi

morning crashes,
narrow walk along LukFong street,
Haagen Das vanila ice cream cone,
A cool treat at the Peak Tram Sky Terace 48.

Xia Mian noodle house,
Pret pasta and sesame bagels,
The spicy noodle bowl is flavored
with hot Wulong tea, delicate vinegar.

Hong Kong 香港 subway daily pass,
it costs 55 hong kong yuan, and 165 for three,
Broadway is called BailaoHui,
Mong Kok is said to be 旺角 Wang Jiao...

Language barriers, Sheung, Causeway Bay, Shek Kip Mei speaks,
Victoria park, Thunder Storm, Wilson Parking garage,
Douglas Francis, Sharp Street, Constantin Bakery,
Page One books, Hargis Candy, Brin Jeans, Schmidt Policy, Wool socks.

the subway comes in red, blue, green, orange,
and we ride from Si Ying Pun to Central, then to Yau Ma Key,
and we transfer to Kowloon Tong, then to Lo Wu, which is a bank away
from ShenZhen, Luo Hu train station, the subway at Shenzhen is cool.

Peter Siyuan Thiel said...

Watermelon love
Peter Siyuan Thiel

Watermelon cuts,
ChiaHeng serves yummy food.

Midnight business,
Pantene and Hankow Centre towels,
He sleeps,
She wonders.

Critical comments,
None is formal,
John Forbes is crowned in Hong Kong
according to the Los angeles News.

The sheriff speaks,
the child shakes his head,
no reinforcement relations
the girl has gone wild as a Barbee Bird.

Audie Deblock Murphy said...

Michael Murphy's Social Architecture
Audie Deblock Murphy

Bruce Freed on corporate political spending,
Ann Lindsey on Orthodox text in Greek,
Jeffrey Quilter, on history of human societies,
William Bila in Prague on Romani people.

The university of Chicago magazine,
A construction of art, science, math, and community cohesion,
wearing hundreds of people together,
One on Michael murphy made by
Mike Washburn and Iwan Baan.

Policy change,
Architecture design,
Air conditioned elements,
Paul Farmer, Phillip Glass, Robert Zimmer,
Lydialyle Gibson, Ida Noyes, Robert Noyce.

Patrick Noshir Contractor said...

Vague Views Revisited
Patrick Noshir Contractor

skylines shoot like bamboo woods,
boxes of apartments lay up hoolywood,
Tall deck bus wiggles left and right,
Unseen eyes beyond the mountain height.

Subjective assumptions dance like firecrackers,
No calm sea next to Macau bay,
Michelle Obama calls the day Murray,
Burke Obama paints the lawn Harry.

Bill Collins writes dozens of themes,
none of the poetry is bended,
Robert Frost picks Red-Barn field,
Many of his logic is blocked.

Mary, Marissa, Sheryl, Lawrence, Valden, Boone, Pamela, and Jerry wants to be merry,
They have to check on Kate, Elizabeth, Sarah, Abbey, Steve, George, Will, and Henry.
as days burn one by one,
the ashes of curiosity pile at hong Kong pier number nine.

Milan Jewett Mrkeich said...

I have stuffed nose
Milan Jewett Mrkeich


I have stuffed nose,
I swallow red and white pills,
I drink Minute, Ocean Spray, or Nake orange juice,
I hear the wishes of Jack and Jills.

A christian refuses to preach,
a rooster insists crowing,
Sophie speaks and upsets a bunch,
mayor Mick Cornett and John Bartley decide to remote-controlling.

no kidding, Morton Schapiro tells,
no April fool,Julio Ottino smiles,
no blame game, Burns Hargis screams,
Get out of the den, Sid Hudson chimes.

Ronald JoAnne Willens said...

Luis, Uri, Yuri, Sherri, Stephen, Frank, Janeil, Thresa, Patricia, Madeline, and Toni
Ronald JoAnne Willens

this place is crowed,
this garden is plowed,
he is left behind,
she is half blind,
He breaks free,
she can barely agree,
He stares and yells,
she listens and spells,
Divergent thoughts,
Convergent points,
None cares,
All scares,
Bart follows,
Lisa objects,
Robert rides bikes,
Marge goes on strikes,
Homer hits home runs,
Janeil swings and eats hot cross buns,
a theory on physics and religion is born,
a story of youth, love, growth, and passion won't be torn.

. Erin Molzahn Rhein Cano said...

Megan Thiefing Philosopy
Erin Molzahn Rhein Cano

Megan Whalen Turner is a writer in depth,
Her King, Queen, series are exciting to green willow,
we say prayers to Mark, Jack, Python, and Matt,
hope that Princeton spirit is carried fully
all the way to Maryland, Greece, and San Francisco.

Now we think of Saint Louis Arc,
And San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge,
Sophia, Skylar, Cat, Douglas, Camila, and Megan manage writing art,
with Morton, Julio, Alan, Goce, Thomas, Sarah, Mary tracing the new york times front page.

No extensive exposure complaints,
that's what Megan Thiefing thinks,
Gay, Matthew, Alissa, Benjia, Jeanne, and Tinan composes music,
Because a gloomy donkey does know how to do winks.

Yue Fei daydreams,
Qu Yuan dragon boats,
American airline and U. S. airway connect,
a lady in wait confesses---WRITE FREELY, LIVE HAPPILY.

Anonymous said...

way to go.

Anonymous said...

The Juno B1 Cabin Suitcase glides on four precision-made Hinomoto wheels (a company
which, according to obsessive fliers, is a standard-bearer
of quality caster-making). The thing is extraordinarily light at 5.3
pounds (the Rimowa analogue tips the scales at 7.1),
but feels shockingly sturdy; its speckled polypropylene shell is built to combat
and conceal obvious (but inevitable) scratches. The suitcase also
has a handy built-in lock, and indestructible hard casing.
But what I really love about it is how much I can fit.
Despite its tiny dimensions, which always fit into an overhead, I’ve been able to cram in a
week’s worth of clothes for a winter trip in Asia (thanks to clever folding), or enough for ten summery days in L.A.
It’s really the clown car of carry-on luggage.

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