blogging is fun
when you don't count the times you have no clue of what's to be done,
blogging is nice
when you act brave and wise,
blogging is cool
when your dreams come true....
Happy poetry, theme, peace, freedom blogging birthday
to Jingle Poetry @ Olive Garden...
at the same time,
we recall 9/11/2001,
a bad attack hits new york city people
who is civic and divine,
how sad
to see Americans feel bad,
how powerful
when george walker bush gives americans who are hopeful
tools, mindset, prayers to remain calm and faithful,
an event occurs
when a power bursts
and the past is a lesson
when we have our seatbelt fasten
and when we say prayers
to God
wishing that
none of those wars
or tragedy shall happen...
peace, love, and prayers,
Happy July 4th,
Set the clock straight,
and feel free to write, share,
and roam the new york city broadway street